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Beware the Black Death, destroyer of kingdoms.

<span class="bold">Grand Ages: Medieval</span> a global strategy game of war and economics, is available now, DRM-free on

How do you feel about gameplay on a grand scale? Well, Grand Ages: Medieval is ready to tickle your fancy of grandeur. There are hundreds of settlements, and over 30,000,000 Square Kilometers of Europe, Africa, Middle East and Scandinavia - and when you zoom in on your local lumberjacks going about their day, the immensity of it all immediately hits home.
Grand Ages: Medieval is first and foremost a game of economics and city building. You'll start out with a lonely settlement to build up from scratch, while slowly building up trade networks and relationships with neighboring, up-and-coming kingdoms, just like yours. The goal? Total domination, obviously. But whether you set out to to achieve medieval superiority through trade and coin, or sword and shield - the choice is yours to make.

Rule your transcontinental kingdom in <span class="bold">Grand Ages: Medieval</span> now on
high rated
Hey all,

First and foremost, many thanks to those of you who have purchased and pre-ordered Grand Ages: Medieval. We're delighted that we were finally able to provide Galaxy multiplayer with a release and we're sure you'll enjoy donning the crown and acting all monarchingly :).

I'm here to provide some information on a small error we encountered earlier today. As we conducted QA on the final build, we uncovered one issue that, while not game breaking or functionality impairing, is a bit irritating for non-Galaxy users. Upon launch, if the game fails to detect a Galaxy installation, a pop-up will appear advising that there was a Login error and that Multiplayer functions have been disabled (a user named Leon Vasselios will appear in the pop-up, but this is merely a reference to an in-game character).

We'd intended to address this issue prior to launch and to limit the pop-ups to when the Leaderboards and Multiplayer options were selected, but were unable to do so given how close to launch this issue was identified. As this issue does not impair the functionality of the game in anyway, we made the decision to proceed with today's launch, as the alternative would have been to delay launch until Monday, when a proper fix could be tested and put in place. However, we wanted to be open about this error and to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this minor annoyance. Our current aim is to have a post-launch patch out by Monday at the very latest, which will correct this Main Menu pop-up and reduce the pop-ups to the Multiplayer and Leaderboard options, with a tooltip displaying over the friends list option, to highlight that these functions require GOG Galaxy log-in.

As we and developers continue to work with Galaxy, we're inevitably going to encounter teething problems like this. However, we'd like to reiterate that our intention is for Galaxy to remain a fully optional client and to ensure that those who decide not to avail of the client can still enjoy their games with minimal hassle.
We apologise once again for the error and thank you for your support!

All the best,
Tannath: Also, I see GOG is the publisher. Nice one.
..... Em.... oops >.>... That's been fixed. Should be Kalypso Media Digital
Post edited September 25, 2015 by B0SC0
B0SC0: Our current aim is to have a post-launch patch out by Monday at the very latest, which will correct this Main Menu pop-up and reduce the pop-ups to the Multiplayer and Leaderboard options, with a tooltip displaying over the friends list option, to highlight that these functions require GOG Galaxy log-in.
Lemon_Curry: Is multiplayer restricted to Galaxy users?
The Multiplayer, Leaderboards and Achievements require a login to Galaxy to function. Everything else can be used offline or without Galaxy.
SamTheOne: When can you actually download the game on Galaxy?
You should already be able to download the game via Galaxy. We tested this just before the game's release. There may be a slight delay for some people as the Galaxy-compatible files get distributed :)
Sharden: so just as a heads up: it seems so far that steam-people can see each other and Galaxy People can see each other, but Steam cant see Galaxy and vice versa.

I hope this is just a bug and needs fixing, otherwise it would truly suck :/
Spoke with the Devs, crossplay should be enabled, so this is an issue that needs to be fixed. They won't be able to hotfix it over the weekend, but we'll get it out ASAP on Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience!
RafaelLVX: , they can't, that's not working. ;)
And it will be fixed :)
hassschlumpf: I bought the game in prepurchase and it's not available in the library. That's so mean :(
Please refresh your account by clicking this link:
hassschlumpf: Ok, thanks. This works. But I can't download the game ... "Server problem"

I need the german installation. So downloading from the homepage isn't an option.
All the languages are in the game so you can safely download from your game shelf :)
0Grapher: Why do you even buy games on GOG?
metafa: With not being able to play mp with steam users and the preorder DLC being deactivated I am starting to ask myself the same question.

It's not that I don't appreciate DRM free software but I am not a die-hard so I don't care at this point. I want what I paid for now. In my view that the mp is only possible with online services is as I said understandable. What is not understandable is that I don't have what I paid for right now. GOG feel totally free to jump in at any point taking my mind at ease that these things are in the process of being fixed hint hint ^^
We just uploaded an offline patch and updated the game with some Crossplay fixes so those who wish to play with other should now be able to do so properly :)