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So a french visual novel, that has used three updates until this point, is about a school life even though none of the characters actually study, that actually a love sim, in which the only way to progress through the game is with a heart that is set differently for every other character you meet later on, in which the only way to fill that characters relation or connection, is to play that episode, in which you will have to play twice because it always goes to 99%, and to get all of the bonuses of that episode as well, you need to answer a character nicely and badly, and to get the third bonus you need to have at least the first option of a bonus and said photo and respond with a set of specific responses in order to ALL of the bonuses, and in some episodes you have to to fill the heart of a character's relationship faster and complete it so you may fill character's social link so that you get to do those question to get the bonuses in the first place, but sometimes there is more than one character and the second character won't actually be even available unless you filled that link or connection of the first one, so you need to pay also the connection or social link growth of also the second character so you get it at least pretty high, but you still NEED to play the episode a second time to complete it if you want all the bonus stuff, and to move also from point A to B, you need to pay, you also need to pay, to TALK, if you are not careful, you will be stranded in a conversation, totally mute, because you didn't pay enough, and sometimes you have to communicate indirectly, through cell phones to get those links growing WHICH ALSO COST MONEY, oh and I forgot to tell you that filling those bonuses ONLY do these things: give you artwork, changes the clothes of some characters, in that episode, but it may bot even change dialogs?, and also that change of dialogue? is for that same episode you just completed? since your relationship goes to zero when you get to the next chapter? and also, you may even get the bonuses of that character you are looking for, because you have a heart relationshop up to 80? it will make the character you wanted have different dialogues that lead all to bad answers that only get you one photo, making getting the first and third one possible, turning out the guy who you looked for was a total two-faced bastard? a tsundere? basically lying to you that you could complete everything in one go in the process even if you already knew at this point? and imagine, that was on the first update, this game has gone through THREE revamps only for people to spend money just to TALK or WALK to another character who you have a false sense of attachment to, hell there is a character that you meet up later on, who is treated better than you in every single way, even with full social links on everybody, making some of the audience hate that character or play the episode again just to see if they could do any different and play the next episode to see how far can it get, lending to a false of security, I have seen this first hand, there were part of the audience who hate the fact they basically lied to a mechanic in game that represented how far they have gotten onto the game.

The fanbase is basically pewdiepie's......if they were all girls who are lonely or teens, or just pretty much fucking hikikomoris, seriously is marketed to THAT type of audience, these girls basically have a COD or EA in their hands but worse and in a smaller production, since they pay to PLAY IT, it possesses a story can never be completed (yeah, you go through a world, but since the set up is slice of life, with no actual narrative, you go through set of events, eternally...) and by the way, some forums and walkthrough autor's are bought by the company, so that they LIE how you can progress through the episode smoothly so then you get fucked when trying to get to the end, the game is marketed to girls with an affeminate bishoujo style of drawing to all of the cast, making them just attractive enough for a nihongophole to feel an attachment to such generic characters, I have seen the servers on my end for this game, and they are basically 225.000+ from the spain server, and there are 3 millions registered with those 225K playing, imagine every other server or fanbase who isn't there playing? they must be at least 10 million or more people, the fact they pay in different currency allows for the author who made it or has the license to basically put out conventions per year for this game in France.

Hell I know the people that play this game, is a WoW if you have to pay to move, attack, use magic, accept quest and complete them...or for any other mechanic, the amount of money 10 people pay for playing the game twice is actually the budget of each episode....imagine...

What have we converted into?...this game takes advantages of a woman's nature and capitalizes on it throught the young ones, just go look at any video on youtube, you will see an amount of people equal to those who like Justin Bieber!
1.) what.
2.) Seriously? A 24-line paragraph consisting of one, ONE single rambling, non-coherent sentence. Is anyone supposed to actually read that?
3.) what.
4.) Are you high?
5.) what.
6.) From what I got by skimming that mess, I could think of about a million gajillion (conservative estimate) things more evil than that.
7.) what.
8.) Get help.
Post edited October 08, 2015 by Randalator
New Pasta? SAVED!
There are few horrors in this world more evil than the dreaded "Run On Sentence""
From what I can understand without my eyes disintegrating, it's a game that is lame and costs lots of money. If people want to be stupid and pay for that they are welcome to.
Umm, it's a browser-based episodic F2P that seems to heavily rely on microtransactions by tying them into player story progression...that just happens to use the VN format.

There's probably a bajillion of such games like that out there on the web and/or Steam.

If you're really that frustrated by a game like this, just leave it be and direct your energy towards the many, many, many other excellently made VNs out there, both commercial and freeware.
pffff, tl;dr.
If you read this aloud, fast and without drawing a breath in between and out it on Youtube it could actually become a hit...
That rant only works if you speak it aloud like this...
If you're going to do a dramatic reading of a rant review, here's the bar: (note, even the video suffix is in all caps)
Mind the spelling. It's "TPP".
Words Words Words.

Learn this rule.