scampywiak: It's interesting to see them break their entire business model down in terms of basic psychology: treat the customer like humans, not consumers; give legit customers an experience that's easier than pirating; compete with brick and mortar by emulating that experience. It's fucking brilliant really, and telling that none of the major NA game companies have ever thought to try these things. The don't have the balls for it. Best part of the vid is at 37:13, where a guy asks them about Steam encroaching on the old games market. Both Marcin and Rambourg really get their hackles up. It's pretty cool.
If you think some 5/6 decades back and across industries this was the competitive differentiator for US companies versus other countries leveraging production costs. Excellent customer service was in some ways an US driven market innovation.
Amazon and Apple can still be pointed as examples of customer focus in US (in quite different models - perks and personalization, vs functional design) but are they the exception or the rule? How things change with time huh? :)