Wishbone: Isn't GFWL shutting down in about 6 months?
jamyskis: Nothing that a good crack won't fix. I gave the MK Collection a try from the Humble Bundle and there was nobody playing online, so the removal of GFWL wouldn't be a loss.
What I meant was, he said that the fact that it used GFWL made it impossible to get it on GOG, but if GFWL is shutting down in six months anyway, it shouldn't really matter. In fact, 6 months from now, we could be seeing a lot of ex-GFWL games heading GOG's way.
See, the publishers have a choice. They can either A) remove GFWL from the games and replace it with another DRM scheme B) remove GFWL from the games and sell them DRM free instead, or C) stop selling the games altogether.
Option A is likely to be more expensive than it's worth, while option C means an instant cessation of income for those games. Hopefully, some publishers will opt for B as a middle ground.