DubConqueror: The good thing about this format, compared to the Insomnia sale, is the GOOD games stay on sale longer, instead of the bad games. The setup of this sale shows GOG really learned from the mistakes of the Imsomnia sale (as fun as an experience it was, with the togetherness of the community, it was gruesome as well at times, er, at Keane).
yyahoo: I guess. Honestly, I would rather watch a counter count down, rather than an clock countdown keep gaining time ad infinitum.
The only two mistakes that GOG made in the Insomnia sale were having game appear several times instead of just all in one pack and putting on ridiculously unpopular games in the sale list.
The Insomnia sale got boring after a while, but the beginning of it was *much* more exciting than this sale. This one moves *way* too slowly IMHO and has the ability to go on forever, which, I fear, will be tested eventually.
My experience of it is colored by knowing about the sale when it had been going for some time and the frenzy of the first round was almost over. I mostly remember the long hours of the second and third round. If you experienced the adrenaline of the first round first hand (pun slightly intended), I guess you've got a much more positive experience of it.