pi4t: (If no one's realised, I've never played M:tG, though I know how the concept works in general, so I'm making things up as I go along)
Apparently we had a double play between me and Judas. I guess the next player has to counter both, then?
awalterj: I've never played Magic either and I'm the one who came up with this game here out of sheer boredom (GOG time machine ftw...)
Yes we have double play yet again and it's ok. Since we are still in the isometric indoors, I send in the Silencer who with no regret cleans up this mess and melts the skin off (literally!) both Judas's vault dweller and pi4t's berserker.
That enables me to get a free play in, though. I think I'll place a token on my Mastery pile, and reveal my Master of Magic card. That lets me have a free spell...phantom warriors, I think.
That progresses me a short way towards the victory condition, but has the downside that I have to spend the next few hours resting to regain my spells [or rather because I'm tired and need to go to sleep], and can't play anything for a while.