amok: Steam do not so any such things, and Jamykis says the entries are for Eets and UFO: Extraterrestrials, as they are the games actually being launched.
So there seems to be some mix-up in entries somewhere... restarting Steam do not help?
No, and it's turned out that its not launching the games after all. I assumed they would from the fact that clicking on the Community link brings me to the forums of Eets and UFO (I clicked on them in anticipation that someone else might have benefited from this 'free' gift - I was initially a little confused as to why I had Civilization 3 & 4 in the first place).
It's obviously an honest mistake that's been made somewhere along the line, but it does once again highlight the problems of relying on an external party when it comes to DRM.
I'm going to remove the games and reinstall them to see what that does.