Crewdroog: I want to play Super Meat Boy, but I fear it might cause me to smash my head into my desk.
I suck at platformers like that too. Just today I tried Mari0 (that's Super Mario with the portal gun) and I was almost ashamed of how much I failed :D
And I never got past the third boss in Super Meat Boy, even though I liked the game and wanted to get further. I even had to lower the difficulty in the last level of the first Trine. I guess I'm not entirely hopeless, there are some 2D platformers I won in recent years, but there are many more I had to play on easy (which almost doesn't count) or just got frustrated and bored with. I even had to give up on the final fight in Unepic, even though I really loved that game. I shudder to think how many hours I wasted on that level. Makes me wonder how I ever beat Aladdin or Prehistorik when I was a kid.
OldFatGuy: Point and click adventures.
Of course I would swear that it's not that I'm not good at them (because I sure do get along pretty well most of the time) and instead it's because some of the puzzles are unfair.
A lot of them ARE unfair. Often the right solution makes less than no sense. One could waste hours trying to figure it out and still fail. It's not as bad now as it was back in the day (not that the games were bad, just bat shit insane), but even the best adventure games I've played, that were for the most part logical and sensible had a few puzzles that just were impossible to figure out, unless You already knew the answer. I guess it's just really hard to make good puzzles, because when you are making them, You do know the answer, and it all makes sense to you.