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Battleborn (2016)

by Gearbox Software, 2K Games
Genres:Role-playing (RPG), Strategy, Shooter, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Real Time Strategy (RTS)
Themes:Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Science fiction
Game modes:Single player, Co-operative, Multiplayer, Split screen
Story:"Battleborn is a next-gen hero-shooter brought to you by the creators of the award-winning and best-selling Borderlands franchise. In Battleborn’s distant future, the only hope for the last star in a dying universe is a new breed of warriors, who must put aside their differences to drive back an unstoppable menace. Choose from a myriad of powerful heroes and fight together alongside your friends in an intense co-operative campaign, or battle against them in fast-paced competitive multiplayer matches." Console versions of the game allow for split-screen co-op in all game modes.Show more
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@VampyreBassistJanuary 29, 2025
So... This was my first online game. I enjoyed the game immensely that I would go to sleep and think about playing more. I started getting really into the lore and would get hyped whenever new content in the game dropped. Then 2017 came and it was one of my worst years. I would find out from article tearing apart the game saying it was dying but I didn't have it in me to play. One day I booted the game up to find it was shut down and I was devastated. If it can be revived in some playable way, it could regain its original love. There isn't a game that quite did lore like this game does, with a unique art style and combat, let it come back.
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@the_1st_darknessJanuary 29, 2025
This game was a lot of fun! The voice actors were funny, the story had potential, online was popular and they even had a mobile game Battleborn Tap. It unfortunately released right around Overwatch which was a slightly similar yet vastly different game that had an addictive loot box system. This game leveled you and your team up over time along with putting down defenses that could be leveled up. There were skins and loot to pick up and earn in the story that equip to characters (some character specific) and some with micro-transactions that could be purchased through in-game coins. It was a great game and a community was playing it often till it was mentioned it was shutting down online servers. There was a race to get as much fun in as possible and even though the game showed up at the store 5Below the player base still welcomed new players to this MOBA. The community has gone through length to try and save it with the ReBorn Project but even that has its hiccups which is why I've turned to GOG and hope to get this game back to being able to play online with friends and the community. Once that happens if mod support is added we could potentially see so much more.
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@ButtsPoopingtonJanuary 29, 2025
Style and humor were great. Gameplay was great. Solo and pvp were great. Marketing really dropped the ball on this and the company abandoned it. Go listen to the Deltron music intro they did. Slaps so hard. I loved picking up a new champ, figuring them out, coming up with a build and trying it. You'd unlock new stuff for that champ as you got better. My Favorite Champs: Ambra Shayne & Aurox Galilea Boldur Tragic that they didn't keep numbers and dropped support.
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@SolusSoldierJanuary 29, 2025
2084.2 hours before the shutdown. I love this game a lot, fun and unique heroes with lot of personnalities, thank to voice acting incredible, pve with fun stories, pvp and heroes having LOT of lines, sometimes for other heroes, lot of different gameplay so you can find one that suits you... And so other thing i can't write them all XD This game sadly shut down, as it didn't succed, but nowadays, you can play it on pc in solo thank to Gwog, a magician moder ^^, and seeing some players discovering the game (the modder himself), i'm sure it can have succes now^^
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@GalaxE10January 29, 2025
Of all the games that I loved playing and ended up getting shut down because of corporate decisions, Battleborn hurt the most. From the writing to the creativity and balance of the heroes, this game brought back a time of when video games were just fun. That's it. Just fun. No grind, no toxic players, no "it's not pay-to-win but really it is pay-to-win" studio behavior. Playing with/against the bots in the arena gave me and my husband some the best times we've had playing any game. The petition is still slowly growing and the Reborn mod has been amazing. But I hope this initiative will bring back co-op/pvp play. And then, hopefully, GBX can really see how loved Battleborn is and will bring it back for all players.
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@AurRy79January 29, 2025
Battleborn is a fantastic game, I love basically everything about the game. The design, the lore, the maps, the missions, the jokes... there's a lot to love. It does draw inspiration from MOBAs, but items and perks are reduced to an easy to understand form. You still maintain adaptability and choice through the truly unique Helix perk system (that iirc, Overwatch once had plans of copying). The Helix system allows you to choose 1 of 2-3 perks at a time after leveling up (you can unlock the choice of a 3rd perk by completing challenges), so you can dynamically adapt to the mission or match! You aren't overwhelmed by choices mid-match. In addition, the Helix system offers new ways to play your character, and there are lots of combinations that you do not have to meticulously plan ahead of time, so you can enjoy many builds if you wish. Gear (like items in MOBAs) is also interesting, you pre-select it so you don't have to fumble around mid-game and have your action screech to a grinding halt. It can give you an edge for your build, or just give minor improvements to your character. It's also not overwhelming, you can choose 3 gear for a loadout and they are relatively easy to understand. The story missions are fantastic and are very replayable because of lots of unique character interactions and multiple sets of voice lines for each mission. No two missions are exactly the same (no procedural generation either!), even if you choose a character you've chosen before. The PvP mode is also fantastic and unique compared to other games. The game modes are abridged versions of MOBA game types, but more refined- smaller maps and fewer lanes, but lots of angles and maneuverability options, especially for certain characters. Overall, it was a very well thought-out game and I really wish for it to be revived and preserved- and now that Overwatch won't overshadow it and PvP games seem to be struggling a bit, it is a fantastic time for Battleborn to make a return.
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@StaticSp4rkJanuary 29, 2025
Considering we've never gotten a competitively multiplayer game in the borderlands universe, this is the closest we ever got, and it's pretty damn good. While some it was a little undercooked here and there, it had a lot of heart and a really captivating gameplay loop. Also, the character designs were all outrageously good. Awesome art style and a captivating universe. Could've been so much more and deserves some time in the spotlight again.
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@connorbroekhartJanuary 29, 2025
I would play this game with my friends for couch co-op and have a blast doing the missions or playing the game modes and trying out new characters! We would spend hours playing together!
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@SirJarvin32January 29, 2025
Such a great game with such depth. Loved how you could customize a character to fit your play style or what the match needed. PVE matches were fun to grind to get the special gear and accelerate your performance in pvp. Really hoping to play this again with everyone.
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@akuthewicked444_09January 30, 2025
It was a match while solo queue and I went Rath, my fav character in the game for warm up and I was pit against a Kleese, basically the melee counter, had me on the ropes for almost have of the game and my team wasn't doing good until I turned it up a notch and started ace-ing the opposing team against all odds to help my team push minions for the win, the game was so exhilarating, till this day one of my fav matches and honestly, there hasn't been a game that hits quite like this one
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