gunshellmav: The sole reason (and probably a poor one) is that there's this player character named Sabin (one of the most OP characters in the game) in FF6 that uses Blitz as his special ability--and it requires input commands not unlike Ryu's Hadoken from Street Fighter to pull them off. I can imagine that being an absolute hell to pull off on a phone.
PookaMustard: This is how one inputs a Blitz command in the Android version: All Blitz commands utilize the setup you can see in the screenshot. You can either slide and make up a Blitz command as you slide, touch them individually, or use a gamepad. Even though I have a gamepad, I prefer sliding on them. So its not hard or anything as you say.
If we're gonna talk about Sabin's Blitz, I should talk about Cyan's Bushido. In the Android version, you don't wait until Cyan charges his Bushido and halt an entire party's worth of commands. You simply pick up the level of Bushido you'd like, then Cyan will charge up the Bushido up until your desired level and then wait until its his turn to make it, all automatically. No longer does he stop you from inputting commands for the rest of your party until he's done.
awalterj: How are they going to adapt games like Duke3D where you need keys for flying up and down with the jetpack, hotkeys for medikits and steroids and choosing weapons etc? I can not imagine how one can play it without mouse & keyboard or mouse & gaming keypad. You'd get brutally murdered in multiplayer if you're on a tablet against someone using traditional input.
PookaMustard: Duke 3D is ALREADY adapted on Android, although not very much a good implementation when compared to Modern Combat 4 (an FPS game on Android). More like you get to choose your weapons by tapping the weapon button, and that will pause the game, and let you choose your weapon of choice. I bet its the same for items. I've played a good part of it on my Android up until that San Andreas fault level (?) in the first episode, and since then I got stuck because I've no idea where to go next.
Again, whether you get brutally murdered because of touch input or traditional input depends on how well a game is implemented on touchscreens.