TexMurphy01: Hello all. I've been trying to install sh files in ubuntu 16.04 and I'm running into some difficulties. The only way that I can get the installer to complete is to enter something like this sudo ./thimbleweedpark.sh in the terminal.
This is not right at all; you should not be running things as root unless absolutely necessary. Were you trying to install the game to a location outside of your home directory (or otherwise not belonging to the normal user account)?
Just double-clicking on the .sh file in the file manager or running "./<installer.sh>" from the terminal should be enough, but it will need permission to run first. You should be able to right-click it in the file manager & select "properties" or so, then set the permissions from there, otherwise you can open a terminal in the directory the installer is located in and do: "chmod +x <installer.sh>".
To clean up the failed install I'd suggest going to the game's directory and running the uninstall script as root and then try installing it again without using sudo and to a location owned by the normal user account.