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Hello all,

I have an error sometimes when my computer start, GoG Galaxy is already running on this computer... but it's not true.
So i decided to search and i found it was beause .lock files exists in XXX:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\lock-files

I make a custom solution with bat file and vbs ( I know it's roots :) ) for no console at start session :

Bat file :

@echo off
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq GalaxyClient.exe" | findstr "GalaxyClient.exe" >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 goto go
goto nogo

cd lock-files
del /s *.lock
GalaxyClient.exe /launchViaAutoStart


VBS file :

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "NAME OF YOUR BAT.bat", 0, True

Bat file and vbs should be placed in XXX:\ProgramData\\Galaxy
Obviously, if you run the script and program already running, whe don't del the lock files.
And finaly, in the same folder the VBS linked to a scheluded task at session open for exemple.

Now, launch games with args !

I found a fact, you can link bat/cmd file (the return) when you manualy add the game to library, for exemple today, VALORANT, who is really embarassing to launch (other client to riot blablabla with specific args), so I linked bat file (where you want in your computer) who contains :
START "" XXX:\YOUR FOLDER\Riot Games\Riot Client\RiotClientServices.exe" --launch-product=valorant --launch-patchline=live

It works !
Hope it helps,
Good game !
Post edited April 18, 2020 by SuperWaper