PixelBoy: Unless you have something against Amazon, it's actually a very good deal.
Like now, within one month there have been three GOG game keys, and a bunch of games you can get directly from Amazon. Even if you paid just for those, it's a bargain, but in addition you get access to Prime Video catalogue.
By the end of my 6 month trial I have found I'm not really watching anything on Prime Video any more. The GOG keys, while welcome as freebies, aren't games I was likely to buy anyway. It's just not worth a monthly subscription for me.
And I kind of do have something against Amazon. Not boycott level, but definitely "think twice before using them" level (and frankly, ignorance would be the only excuse for not feeling at least a small amount of guilt).
W1ldc44t: I would agree that the keys Amazon gives along with the games that can be redeemed within their launcher, which AFAIK are all DRM Free, makes it an awesome game subscription service if nothing else.
I'm frankly pretty surprised to hear the Amazon launcher games are DRM-free. I didn't try them because I couldn't be bothered to install another launcher. It's not like I need any more games, I already have more than it will be possible to play within my lifetime.