Posted September 15, 2015
Fairfox: I've had to upload photos about 20-30kb smaller than 500, otherwise it says I'm over the limit*. No idea why it counts bytes differently.
Because some programs calculate 1 Megabyte as 1024 Kilobytes (1048576 bytes), while other programs as 1000 Kilobytes (1 mil bytes). Hence the difference. skeletonbow: t's not that they can't do it, it's that they've chosen to limit the size to 500kB on purpose. I'm not sure if they have ever publicly stated an explicit reason for this limit but in lieu of that I would suspect that the reason is to reduce the amount of disk space and disk cache space the forum data consumes on the webserver in order to improve performance.
This and it also makes it easier for user to browse forums from phones and such. Recently I quitted one gaming forum because it allowed to embed videos right into posts, nvm pictures. They also weren't truly embedded, they were just links. It made the forums load very slow, and no way to browse on phone. Topping it off, that site had around 30 advertisements per page, with extremely high chances to get malware if you don't use NoScript/AdBlock addons. I am glad GOG doesn't go such road :)