JJoodkokksokKKSk: It's not just an issue of hardware, the LE just looks better imo, it's a got a much more gritter feel than the SE, which to me feels saturated and overdone with bloom effect.
Hello JJoodkokksokKKSk!
I do totally agree with you, the original version of "TES V: Skyrim" (and now called "Legendary Edition") portrays a completely different ambient atmosphere, which some peolpe (like "us") still prefer over the "new and shiny" Special or Anniversary Edition. (I would not mind the lower system requirements of the Legendary Edition either!)
But a friendly GOG.COM user, DropA, posted some fantastic (simple to install and easy to use) mods, which replace the modern over-saturated weather effects, 'smurf'-blue sky and crystal sharp far landscape with the original weather conditions from the 2013 Legendary Edition. The user also suggested and linked two additional mods recreating the blurry rendering in the distance and a dense rain pour.
Legendary Weather Mods recommended by DropA Direct links to the TES V Special Edition modifications (on Nexusmods):
Skyrim Legendary Weathers Skyrim Pouring Rain Skyrim Distant Blur Alternatively, you could use a slightly adapted version of the Legendary Weathers modification, which brings back the (original) Skyrim weathers, but keeps the clear and cloudy weather from the newer Special / Anniversary Edition:
Skyrim Legendary Weathers (Vanilla Clear and Cloudy) I am very grateful for DropA having pointed me to these mods! With them I can play the Special Edition with an almost intact ambient atmosphere from the original game and with next to zero impact on the frame rate.
Kind regards,