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tinyE: The new guy makes a good suggestion, the only problem is if it doesn't work it really doesn't work. :P Similar to that, when I can't sleep I turn on my TV to either ID or Military History because the narrators on those channels are all very low and monotone which puts me right out. Also the colder it is tends to help which where I live it's always cold. XD
pimpmonkey2382: Being a history buff those would keep me awake. lol :P
Yeah that does tend to happen too. XD Fortunately most of the stuff those channels show at 2am are the old World At War shows from the 60s and 70s. ID tends to show boring stuff late too so that's not a problem; no serial killers just bank robbers and boring crap.
Crewdroog: Before spending money on something that may be a scam, I would try things like white noise stations. I use one called "rainymood" and it can help. Have you seen a physician about this? They may be able to direct you in a better way, and if they are good doctors, not just by throwing pills at you.
tinyE: The new guy makes a good suggestion, the only problem is if it doesn't work it really doesn't work. :P Similar to that, when I can't sleep I turn on my TV to either ID or Military History because the narrators on those channels are all very low and monotone which puts me right out. Also the colder it is tends to help which where I live it's always cold. XD
Because science!
I used to know the part of the brain that registered this, but alas, I can no longer recall.

Edit: anterior section of hypothalamus.
Post edited May 15, 2014 by Crewdroog
milito3515: I have Insomnia snip
I suffered through some pretty bad insomnia many years ago while going through the failure of my marriage and subsequent divorce. Normally most of the things angrypole mentioned above, will greatly help, in getting back into a good sleeping schedule, but stress and anxiety can really screw the pooch. One of the things I tried back then that did help, was taking some Melatonin. As your body naturally produces this , and it greatly aides in sleep, it can really help some people; and I at least found no side effects at all. I also am the type that prefers to stay away from drugs when ever possible, whether they are over the counter, or Rx. After this period finally passed in my life, my sleep regime returned to normal (being healthy, and relatively happy these days, no doubt has a lot to do with that). Most nights now, I read a few chapters in whatever current book I am indulging in, and before long, I find myself re-reading a line over and over, as I realize it's time to put it down, and shut the light off.

Anyway, you have my sincerest sympathies, and best wishes of luck in getting through your current sleeplessness. I know first hand how brutal it is. Try the melatonin if you you like, it's pretty much risk-free and safe, but definitely, by all means, see a doctor as well. Best of Luck bro
Post edited May 15, 2014 by Zoltan999
I do not have insomnia but I have a busy life that doesn't leave me enough sleep hours (and yes, things like the current insomnia sale are not helping either).

I have used binaural beats and self-hypnosis for falling asleep quickly and deeply and definitely it does work for me.

It takes some "self-training", for them to work best. You relax your muscles, one body part at a time (or one pair at a time, left and right), starting from your feet and moving up "in a slow wave". At the same time you focus on the binaural beats and use that focus to shut out other external distractions and stimuli. You want to use a low volume so that it's easy to sleep without the sound waking you up, but loud enough to mask distraction and to be able to hear the beat. When I'm concentrating correctly I clearly hear something like a "helicopter" sound or like a wave that circles around my head or from left to right (and back), that is the "beat" and a good indication that I'm focusing correctly.

I had to "cycle" binaural beat usage (e.g., use it for a few weeks, then take a break), it doesn't work well for really continuous use.

Something that was occasionally annoying is that after falling asleep with headphones on, at some point I had to half-wake and take them off. I certainly recommend finding comfortable headphones, preferrably open-back, to prevent keeping your ear canals blocked (earbuds) or enclosed for too long (closed-back)

I found lots of good advice and beats at in the forums. The software I used was sbagen. Never tried i-doser itself but the forum used to have improved versions of the i-doser beats (not anymore, i-doser threatened a lawsuit and got everything removed). Many people in the forums laughed at i-doser and their inefficiently designed beats. In my opinion they are really good at creative writing, the descriptions for the doses are a total blast. And even though the designs may not have been that good, some were going in the right direction.

Actually, the most effective use for me is the opposite - I wrote a script for "after-siesta double coffee" that pumps me up for hours, more than chemical caffeine. It's great in the morning or early afternoon but I wouldn't recommend it past 5 p.m. unless you really need to stay awake for the night.

By the way, a possible reason for poor sleeping is magnesium deficiency. You may want to look into the supplement ZMA (which may help sleep better in some cases but it's not a sleeping pill). On the other hand if you don't have magnesium deficiency it won't really do anything for you
Erufian: I do not have insomnia but I have a busy life that doesn't leave me enough sleep hours (and yes, things like the current insomnia sale are not helping either).

I have used binaural beats and self-hypnosis for falling asleep quickly and deeply and definitely it does work for me.

It takes some "self-training", for them to work best. You relax your muscles, one body part at a time (or one pair at a time, left and right), starting from your feet and moving up "in a slow wave". At the same time you focus on the binaural beats and use that focus to shut out other external distractions and stimuli. You want to use a low volume so that it's easy to sleep without the sound waking you up, but loud enough to mask distraction and to be able to hear the beat. When I'm concentrating correctly I clearly hear something like a "helicopter" sound or like a wave that circles around my head or from left to right (and back), that is the "beat" and a good indication that I'm focusing correctly.

I had to "cycle" binaural beat usage (e.g., use it for a few weeks, then take a break), it doesn't work well for really continuous use.

Something that was occasionally annoying is that after falling asleep with headphones on, at some point I had to half-wake and take them off. I certainly recommend finding comfortable headphones, preferrably open-back, to prevent keeping your ear canals blocked (earbuds) or enclosed for too long (closed-back)

I found lots of good advice and beats at in the forums. The software I used was sbagen. Never tried i-doser itself but the forum used to have improved versions of the i-doser beats (not anymore, i-doser threatened a lawsuit and got everything removed). Many people in the forums laughed at i-doser and their inefficiently designed beats. In my opinion they are really good at creative writing, the descriptions for the doses are a total blast. And even though the designs may not have been that good, some were going in the right direction.

Actually, the most effective use for me is the opposite - I wrote a script for "after-siesta double coffee" that pumps me up for hours, more than chemical caffeine. It's great in the morning or early afternoon but I wouldn't recommend it past 5 p.m. unless you really need to stay awake for the night.

By the way, a possible reason for poor sleeping is magnesium deficiency. You may want to look into the supplement ZMA (which may help sleep better in some cases but it's not a sleeping pill). On the other hand if you don't have magnesium deficiency it won't really do anything for you
Thanks for your answer.

I'll follow some of your advices.

And again, thank you :)
There´s an ages old technique that has helped men and women alike for millenia to get to sleep. It also helps for other things that shall not be discussed further. ; P
milito3515: There's a problem. I think placebo effect only works if you think the product you're consuming is real, and I'm skeptical about I-Doser effectivity.
The weird thing is that sometimes placebos work even when the person knows they're taking a placebo. The human mind is bizarre to say the least.
LoboBlanco: There´s an ages old technique that has helped men and women alike for millenia to get to sleep. It also helps for other things that shall not be discussed further. ; P
I would discuss it. :P
angrypole: To be honest I don't think that i-doser is going to help you. It is pretty much a placebo effect. Just look up binaural beats on youtube, there are already some tracks uploaded that are effectively the same. As someone who suffers from insomnia, I feel for you though. This is not meant be condescending, but I think that with normal precautions, you can curb it a little bit. Some nights I still struggle with it. Especially if I take a nap, or drink too many caffeinated beverages, I can miss sleep sometimes.

If you:
Excercise (5-8 hour a week)
Weight Training
Balanced Diet
Don't eat after 7 pm
Abstain from using the PC or phone 1-2 hours before going to bed
Read something light (or boring) before going to bed
Relax with your dog or cat
Write in a journal

It could make going to sleep much easier. It is easy to get a messed up sleep schedule too. I find that being consistent really helps. i-Dozer and Binaural beats in general are snake oil voodoo magic that doesn't really do anything in my experience. Listening to some relaxing music, or brown noise, will probably do you more benefit then spending money on that stuff. Notice that practically all of things I listed were free. If you have to spend money, invest in some good earplugs for when there is loud noise outside.

I hope that you can overcome this and get back to a normal sleeping schedule.
This and get laid :)... That helps me the most :P
LoboBlanco: There´s an ages old technique that has helped men and women alike for millenia to get to sleep. It also helps for other things that shall not be discussed further. ; P
He could also try flogging the dolphin.
pimpmonkey2382: He could also try flogging the dolphin.
Damn.. I didn't even notice that I was ninja-ed...
pimpmonkey2382: He could also try flogging the dolphin.
blotunga: Damn.. I didn't even notice that I was ninja-ed...
He can try beating it like it owes him money.