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Join the guys in charge of for a chat!

EDIT: The video has ended, but you can check out the recorded stream here (, or just watch the highlights below. Thanks for participating, and be sure to leave us any comments you have on the topics we discussed below! :) is going live on Twitch <span class="bold">today</span> and we'd like to heartily invite all of you to join us. Our founder, Marcin Iwiński (known in the forums as <i>iWi</i>), Piotr Karwowski (<i>Destro</i>), the VP of Online Technologies, and Trevor Longino (<i>TheEnigmaticT</i>), the Head of Marketing and PR, will do their best to answer your questions while remaining at least a bit entertaining, on Tuesday April 22, 6:00PM GMT (that's 2:00 PM EDT and 11:00 AM PDT) in the [url=]<span class="bold"> Official Channel</span>.

This wouldn't be--of course--much of a Q&A if they didn't have any questions to answer. We count on you, dear GOGgers, to provide many interesting ones! There has been many interesting things happening around, recently, so we're sure many of you have thing you'd like to ask us. There's a few ways to do that. You can ask your questions right here, in the forum thread below. You can sign in to the <span class="bold">Twitch live chat</span> as soon as the livestream starts, and post your thoughts and questions in there. Finally, you can tweet your question to our <span class="bold">@GOGcom Twitter account</span>, with the #GOGtwitch hashtag.

We'll be with you for at least an hour (we may end up going longer!), but that's probably still not enough time to answer all questions. We'll select just the ones we think are most common to the community as a whole, and the most interesting ones as well. After the livestream is done, we'll post a montage of its highlights with just a slight delay needed to put the thing together.

Again, we invite you to <span class="bold"> Official Channel</span> today, 6:00PM GMT (that's 2:00 PM EDT and 11:00 AM PDT), and we hope you'll find time to join us. In fact, drop half an hour early to catch our Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure gameplay stream!
Well gog here is my opinion of what you should do or improve on the site since you invited us to share our thoughts in this thread with the Twitch video:

1. make a coming soon list with at least a months worth off data for coming games that should replace the new&coming which is not much off a help at the moment since it contains only 2 dlc data and there was no data about the games that were released this week or any other week in that regard,
2. remove the login part of the downloader - don't really understand why is that needed if that is just a downloader or is that a hint that your going for a kind of client with it,
3. improve the community wishlists for games with filters for genre, developer, date of release, publisher, ability to add simple 1-3 photos of the gameplay and improve page scrolling so that its not always needed to click on load more wishes and it automatically loads more game wishes when you scroll down,
4. remove the updated game bug, forum reply and similar bugs on the website,
5. more sales like battle of the games and please don't make interplay sales every other month do discount something else,
6. implement ability for users to erase their posts from any thread if they wan't to (like now :) ),
7. disclose when the linux games will be released besides just "fall" and which Ubuntu and Linux mint versions will be officially supported,
8. more data in the community wishlists on the progress of the games, new tags like os adjustment phase expect release in two months or something like that, tag games that will not be available and such,
9. release at least four classics (pc classics not console or such) a week since now its slowly going down to zero some weeks and make a statement what is a classical game for in terms of years since release,
10. im biased at this but nevertheless release more strategys - steam is at the moment spewing strategy games like from a canon - this week already 13 releases (mostly classics and some new games) and non are available on gog,
11. bring back the merchandise store - especially TeT drm-free shirt from Twitch :)
12. do not implement high regional pricing for economically hit countries and not just Russia and Poland for games you must do regional pricing and yes Slovenia is one of those countries (You can check the data on OECD site -5% GDP fall just in 2012).
13. implement the ability to see which wishes a person creates in the community wishlist and which wishes from the list were realized.
14. change your quality control with game releases since several developers of very good games have stated that gog has denied them to sell their games after submitting (example Knuckle Cracker if im not mistaken) and I know TeT tried best to explain this in the twitch stream but it was a bit lacking explanation.
15. show the amount of % discount in sales next to the game name since promos like up to % are very missleading and produce a lot of disatisfaction when the game is not discounted at the top most discount which people automatically expect.

If I extrapolate - I don't expect you will implement any of this since you have shown in the Twitch stream that you don't really wan't to make adjustments (or as Destro said "do we really need to") to the website although it is sorely needed but nevertheless these are my recommendations.

Well that's all for now. Thanks for bringing back the one world, one price and holding the drm-free fort for us.

Oh, and thanks for waking me up with the good news thread in february with the regional pricing shock therapy :)
Post edited April 25, 2014 by Matruchus
BKGaming: This really shouldn't be all the difficult honestly. They should be able to provide a client and keep our game DRM free and pretty much keep them like we have them now. I don't see why they couldn't make a client and have the client be able to detect standalone GOG installers and basically take over the work of installing/ displaying/updating these games... things like achievements or multiplayer servers may be more difficult but just having a standard client were we can install our game, click play or update or shop for new games. This shouldn't be that difficult, so I really don't understand why were not seeing it yet. If they ever really want to compete with Steam... there going to need it.
Cavalary: Well, I for one wouldn't be using it. It'd be something other than what I actually want to install (as in, the games) poking through my system (searching for said games) and actively doing stuff (as opposed to, say, libraries which are just there to be used when called by installed software). But sure, if it'd be optional, they may as well do it for those too used to being spoon-fed and giving away control of their systems, as long as it won't take away resources from supporting the games and site and so on.
What I would want (also if it won't take away resources - very much used to looking up stuff on my own, as long as it'd be available separately and not require reinstall to patch, otherwise) would be individual game patchers, make sure the games that have built-in patchers will have them work properly with their version and add such patchers to the rest. Could likely be the same executable distributed with all, with a different instruction set for each; you run it when you want and it checks whether anything updated in the GOG version of that particular game compared to what you have.
I think calling it being spoon-fed is unnecessary. It's not taking control away at all if they do it the right way. I myself have like 20 GOG games and I have all the shortcuts in a folder named games. As I get more games it's becoming more of an issue to locate my game I want to play and the folder with just 20 icons is slow as slow can be when you open it. I can use the way it is just fine, as I did long before Steam or any client came about, but there are surely easier/better ways of doing this.

I'd gladly take a client that presents all these games in an organized easy to use manor as long as they stay DRM free and are not depended on said client to work.
Post edited April 24, 2014 by BKGaming
Another thing: Maybe some filters on the "site feaure/game request" page, like "show only [in progress]" or "show only ones I requested" "show completed AND that I requested".
Hi guys, I finally found the time to watch the show today and I would like to thank you for answering my question. What can we say... let's wait and hope for the best, maybe one day some of those greats from the past will be sold on GOG. We know it won't be easy. (Aaahhh... Mechwarrior!!)

(BTW: I really can't understand what TET says about my nickname...)
Missed it. Thought it was going to be tonight. Well, good it's recorded :)

So I just watched it. It was informational. The propably most important information was why you're not releasing some games even though they have the biggest amount of votes in the wishlist (I allready knew that).
Post edited May 08, 2014 by ELFswe
Geri11: Ok, so let's just put my thoughts here real quick:

- About the regional pricing: It's fine. I mean if you can appeal to the Russian market by offering lower prices that's totally acceptable. You are a business afterall not a charity organiztion. However for Europe and the USA I think regional pricing is only accaptable if we pay the exact same value in euroes that Americans pay in dollars. Which I know we do, so just keep making that possible :)

- I'd welcome more frequent Q&A. That's a really good way to keep in contact with the community besides the forums. I mean it's live. And we get to hear the EnifmaticT's voice. Which is always a plus.

- Ideas: I don't know how much this is possible but it would probably be nice to implement a service that would run multiplayer servers for GOG games through a GOG client. For example you could play Empire Earth online through a GOG server. I know this requires a lot of hardware and workforce, but it sure would be nice to see. A client is a good idea as well. And pobably a site feature to see and rate GOGMixes. You know some kind of social/community thing.
Whos gonna pay for those multiplayer services?
Running a server isnt free you know.
Maybe if you coud have a subscription based service as an option for mutiplayergames i woud agree.