vulchor: Thanks so much, I thought so too but I wasn't sure if it was just parental bias. To me, it's the most musical sound that I've ever heard.
HypersomniacLive: I'm a sucker for baby laughter myself, so don't worry about a little bit of bias - be proud. ;-)
Curious about what triggered and sustained this splendid laughter for almost a minute.
Well, there actually was close to 5 minutes of it, but I edited it down and removed the last few minutes so it was more succinct.
We have a rubber inflatable punching toy dinosaur (if you have no idea what I mean, it is very similar to this:
He thinks it's the funniest thing on earth. I was flinging it across the room for some of the time, and then letting him grab onto it while I pulled unitl he lost grip and it snapped back to me, which caused the best laughter near the end of the clip. Really, no matter what happens with that weird piece of rubber, he gets a giant kick of out it. To be so easily amused...