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Tex Murphy has entered the building!

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure marks the triumphant return of everyone's favorite trenchcoat wearing, fedora bearing private detective, Tex Murphy! Thanks to the power of Kickstarter and legions of devoted fans, Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure is available now--DRM-free on $19.99! (We're so happy about this that some of us are squeeing like little girls!)

The year is 2050. The place: New San Francisco. Someone has made sure that our rough-around-the-edges hero has forgotten the events of the last seven years. What appears to be the world's worst hangover is just the beginning of Tex's troubles as he tries to recollect just what the hell happened. Stuck in a maze of unsolved murders and hidden agendas, Tex must solve the mystery of his own past and that of the lost technologies of Nikola Tesla. Can Tex regain his memory in time to restore what's been lost and stop a terrifying future?

If you have a hankering for old-fashioned FMV with a modern flavor, sleuthing while dropping some pithy one-liners, then look no further than Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure available NOW on PC and Mac, DRM-free for $19.99 on!

Important notice!
The Tex Murphy Video Contest is now CLOSED. We are drowning under a torrent of awesome entries and we will announce the winners soon!
If you can't see the game on your list/shelf yet, please use this link:

All accounts with the preorder on them will be refreshed automatically soon, but using this link should speed the process up for you.
Please note that the refresh can take a while if you've got lots of games on your account.

If using the link doesn't help, please send a support ticket via this form, and we'll sort this out as soon as we can:
high rated
Lafazar: I would like some clarification from GOG team whether a publisher/developer can get free keys of their game like they can on Steam.

I strongly suspect that this is not the case and that the publisher/developer has to cough up the 30% (or a smaller fee) for each key they need. This would explain why so many projects are reluctant to distribute GOG keys.

I can understand GOGs position if this is the case, after all in the case of Tesla Effect they would have to foot the whopping bill of the bandwidth cost of 15GB times number of backers times number of downloads for each backer.

But it has to be said that GOG lowers their attractiveness as a storefront for both publishers/developers and gamers/customers at least compared to Steam. Of course I understand that Steams practice of giving out free keys is not out of goodwill but to get people on Steam, I just think that if GOG indeed intends to become storefront #2 behind Steam (like they once claimed), they should consider doing this as well.
Here's how it works:

"Please give us X amount of keys."

We reply:

"OK, here you go."

That's about it, really. It would be silly to charge developers for keys to their own game :)
Post edited May 08, 2014 by JudasIscariot
Crosmando: Well, there you go. So why won't they give us keys, are they hoping we'll buy the game again on GOG, because I can assure you I won't.
In this case, the keys were delivered to ATLUS, the publisher. After that, we have no idea what happens then, sorry.
JudasIscariot: In this case, the keys were delivered to ATLUS, the publisher. After that, we have no idea what happens then, sorry.
Phaidox: It all makes perfect sense now! Those greedy ATLUS employees blatantly stole our GOG keys! :P
It's likely there are just some delays in distribution, if they received the keys then they have enough to give to everyone who is supposed to get them, but maybe they are just having some issues. Like, they mislabeled some that have been already sent to someone and don't want to risk sending out a dead key, etc. It happens! I'm sure they are on their way ;)
Crosmando: It's always a publisher isn't it. Whenever something is afoot in video games, you just need to pick up a rock and you'll see Satan himself, a little publisher snake slither out.
Or it could be just time zones playing hell with communication :) ATLUS is in California, we're in Poland, so imagine the huge time difference :)
JudasIscariot: Here's how it works:

"Please give us X amount of keys."

We reply:

"OK, here you go."

That's about it, really. It would be silly to charge developers for keys to their own game :)
SirPrimalform: Well now that's interesting... Dage Gilbert from Wadjet Eye said he had to really fight to get GOG keys and in fact never got any for Primordia.
I don't know anything about that, I am just telling everyone how I see things go down :)
Soldatov: I tried to redeem my code:
"To redeem Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure you need to own Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure"
Is it just a bonus code?
Please write to our Support about this :)
ThorChild: I've been putting off getting this on GoG due to the initial issue of needing Steam (as i can't use it), so am i correct in thinking that if i buy the GoG version now it will just work like a normal GoG release and i won't need to use Steam first?

Having to use Steam was the deal breaker for me, but if that is all now resolved i'll be a very content GoG user.
No Steam needed for any of our games :)
JudasIscariot: No Steam needed for any of our games :)
ThorChild: Well, i'm glad to hear it, but this didn't seem to be the case for this games initial release, or was that just in relation to people that had kickstarted the game? That was the confusion i was alluding too. But it now appears all that is resolved for the backers, and i guess that means the GoG version here never needed a key to run in the first place?

All a bit messy, but hopefully there are some lessons here for other Kickstarted games that go with GoG as well as Steam (and other DD platforms) for their releases.
Are you talking about a key where you have to type it in before you can play the game? No, it never needed that :)