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high rated
joelandsonja: If you are going to monopolize on the Christmas holiday, at least have the guts to call it a CHRISTmas sale.
Actually it's a way of being inclusive; I'm not excluding Christmas from this celebration. I'm including everyone else. There are a lot of holidays that happen around the Solstice. The urge to celebrate life and joy and feasting and warmth during the depths of cold and the longest nights of the year is a very primal cultural urge. Anyone should feel free to believe in whatever superior power that they choose to; so in order to respect that, do you suggest I either name our sale after something that less than a third of the world believes in, or I instead pair an astronomical fact with a made-up word and let you fill in the blank for whichever celebration you desire?

This is not part of a war on Christmas, any more than it's part of a war on Yalda, Modraniht, Saturnalia, Pancha Ganapati, Yule, or Kwanzaa. The end of an old year and the beginning of a new one is about much more than just one faith or belief, and if I'm not referencing your specific one, perhaps you can just fill in the blanks with what makes you happy.

If it makes you feel any better, my intial name for this was "Soyal Solstice Sale", but the rest of the folk here at the office thought that was a little too outside the mainstream of a reference. Also, they didn't want to put a Hopi sun wheel in the background. :P
joelandsonja: They are clearly monopolizing on the Christmas holiday to get more sales ...
Wishbone: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
TheEnigmaticT: If it makes you feel any better, my intial name for this was "Soyal Solstice Sale"
JMich: The Great Old Ones are pleased to know you considered Solstice as the main name for the sale, thus they will continue to ignore you.
Samhain approves :D
JMich: The Great Old Ones are pleased to know you considered Solstice as the main name for the sale, thus they will continue to ignore you.
JudasIscariot: Samhain approves :D
Samhain's in October dude. Get with it. ;)
TheEnigmaticT: If it makes you feel any better, my intial name for this was "Soyal Solstice Sale", but the rest of the folk here at the office thought that was a little too outside the mainstream of a reference. Also, they didn't want to put a Hopi sun wheel in the background. :P
Wishbone: TeT, you rock!

May I suggest Hogswatch for next year's winter solstice events?
Great suggestion!
JudasIscariot: Samhain approves :D
TheEnigmaticT: Samhain's in October dude. Get with it. ;)
Still an old god :P
Ummm... Merry Krampus? :-D