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dragonbeast: WARNING: This is a rant of a frustrated gamer
read at own risk

as someone who plays online games a lot i keep getting more and more confrontated by the serious and flaming PRO/MLG gamers. in certain games i can slightly understand this as they have a competitive component, like league of legends (still think this flaming is wrong but whatever).

these days however, i also seem to find it more and more in casual games. latest example being left 4 dead 2. we were playing versus and i would become a tank (rare huge zombie that can destroy everything). the game spawned me next to the humans at which a player on our side immediatly started "OMG n00b L2P u fcking piece of shit" (literal quote) who believed i should not chagre in. upon me defending myself came the expected "Shut up fggt r u a tarD". (literal quote again).

why is it that even in games with no ranking component whatsoever, gamers only give a damn about winning. doesn't matter if people want to have fun IF YOU DON'T USE PRO TAKTIKS AND ONLY BEST GUN ND DO AS I SAY YOU R A FGGT AND A N0B GO DIE PLS. why do gamers only value winning, and just fully ignore the fun component of games.

games R not fun, gaùes r srs bsns

those moment make me feel nostalgic about those days in a TF2 clan server (gfl) where fun was always #1 and we did silly fun thing like go all spy.
where are the times it didn't matter if your team wasn't world championchip material and all did their best?

sigh, what happend?
What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
JudasIscariot: What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
Theta_Sigma: You know, I have BB Chaos Edition and have yet to play it. I should probably install that now, I could be the Toronto Maple Leafs of Blood Bowl. :D
I am the Seattle Seahawks equivalent. The only game I "won" is because my opponent didn't show up due to extenuating circumstances.
JudasIscariot: What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
fr33kSh0w2012: Yes This is why I gave up Playing online FOR GOOD to many juvenile A$$holes they Taunt and flame and Bitch and whine! I Ask them what their age is some say 8 some say 14! you know what really pisses me off kids that run scripts and aimbots there is no way a human has that type of bullshit reaction time!
You ought to try and play Blood Bowl sometime :) Turn-based and it's all dice you get to stomp other people's players..especially if they are halflings or elves :D