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Wishlist link:

I outline generally what would be cool about having Site Achievements, but just to sum up my idea on them quick and how they'd be used:

- They would be only viewable by the user on default.
- Any of the achievements, lists, or stats would be possible to share with others if one so desires
- They could be based on games purchased (how many from one publisher, developer, genre, etc.)
- They would possibly be in a separate part of the site so that they are optional and do not interfere with those who don't want them

It would act like you're own personal stamp collection (if you collect stamps) that would only be available to yourself - unless you decide to make the conscious decision of making them public.

I understand the possible abuses or misuses of the system depending on how the system were to be implemented (and could be annoying if done improperly), but I think they would be pretty cool if implemented thoughtfully.

Any thoughts?
It's been suggested before. In the end publishers don't care and GOG doesn't want to do the work for absolutely no profit. There is no GOGworks in the works.

If someone wants to copy Steam achievements onto an empty application that you have to check em off manually when you complete some, then that would be on the users and community to develop and manage.
Please no. I detest achievements because they screw with my OCD horribly, foster a sense of elitism and just make me ill. I'd hate to open this page and have some pop-up or notification jump in my face. The knowledge that an achievement system might exist would be a burden on my soul. It took me a long time to adopt a PS3 because I hated achievements on the Xbox 360. I am able to deal with trophies, but just barely. If it has to be had, I hope it gets tucked in the dark bowels of somewhere I don't go and certainly don't assign a damn point value to each one.

Edit: Corrected pronoun usage.
Post edited May 05, 2014 by Ophelium
I would have liked if this wishlist came with a "vote against this" option.
cmdr_flashheart: I would have liked if this wishlist came with a "vote against this" option.
I wanted to elaborate a bit, but I'm too lazy so: basically this^
My thoughts on site achievements: Hell no.
I fear most people here do not like achievements...
xxxIndyxxx: I fear most people here do not like achievements...
I wouldn't say most, just many of the vocal ones happen to dislike being connected to anything. You might not know this, but we have many members that are just floating heads!
xxxIndyxxx: I fear most people here do not like achievements...
MaximumBunny: I wouldn't say most, just many of the vocal ones happen to dislike being connected to anything. You might not know this, but we have many members that are just floating heads!
You mean fence sitters right ? ;)
To me, it's pretty fine, perhaps as long as a user isn't given any real tangible distinct advantages, like free GOG credit as prizes for achievements won, as that would be in a way, forcing members to adopt it?

I used to keep an anime list over at, and like it or not, site achievements are simply unlocked and there for every account. However, as you exemplified, the anidb achievements are more or less, like your personal stamp collection, pretty to look at, when you or someone visits your profile, but that's about it. Nothing else changes in what you can get out of that site.
Post edited May 05, 2014 by Nicole28
FlamingFirewire: Wishlist link:
I outline generally what would be cool about having Site Achievements[..]
Achievements like those on Anidb are funny for me.
Here, however, many people had a bad experience on Steam, so that won't happen easily (also GOG wouldn't gain anything except for more drama).
Post edited May 05, 2014 by phaolo
As long as I can opt out of them, sure, let GOG knock itself out.
If that would be optional - why not? If not interested, turn it off :)
Sometimes they're fun, but I don't really care for them...
Can't see myself getting interested on site achievements. I can't even force myself to care about achievements in GAMES, and having achievements revolving around the site sounds even more stupid.