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UFO: Enemy Unknown (XCOM: UFO Defense)
- So much time spent on this game!
Betrayal At Krondor
- Made my go out and buy the CD version and then Feist's books!
Street Fighter II: Championship Edition (and Turbo Edition)
- So much time wasted in the arcades!
Diablo II: Lord Of Destruction
- The sheer adrenaline rush of levelling up (never tried World Of Warcraft - too expensive!)
Elite (BBC Master)
- Best game on the Beeb (shame I couldn't afford an Arc)
- Wish I could get into X3 as much!
Shining Force I (and II)
- This and Betrayal At Krondor got me into turn-based strategy RPG.
Phantasy Star II
- Closely beats Wonder Boy in Monster World RPG on the Sega Megadrive also.
- Reason I liked Betrayal At Krondor was that it gave you a free world to go wherever you liked but its wrapped in a really good story that has depth. Freelancer is much the same - didn't really like shooters that much; still don't, but Freelancer is an exception!
Dune 2: Battle For Arrakis
- Excellent realtime strategy when it first came out - loved the different abilities of each race!
Might & Magic 7: For Blood & Honour
- Just beats Wizardry 8
Simon The Sorceror I
- The sequels are not so good and don't create the same type of atmosphere.
- Really good - like Shrek - at taking old fables and twisting them!
- Day Of The Tentacle almost beat this; its technically a better game, but Simon The Sorceror gives fonder memories over the years afterwards!
MY favourite games of all time, in no particular order, because they're pretty much all great :
Elite - ZX Spectrum 48k
Vector Graphics with "rear" line invisible so they appear solid...GREAT gameplay, many weeks worth. Lots of replay potential. MASSIVE game on a 48kRAM computer. Pretty much the full BBC diskette version on a cassette where other systems had a lot of ships taken out to save space. Still haul out my Speccy for sessions of this game 25 years after I first played it...
Phantasy Star IV - Sega Megadrive/Genesis
One of the best story-driven series of RPGs I've ever played, and still do. Nice graphics, easy to play, hard to put down.
Shining In The Darkness - Sega Megadrive/Genesis
Dungeon-crawler RPG. Bit too many "random" encounters, but fun story, nice to play every now and then still.
The Settlers 2 - PC
Strategy/Management sim. Easy to learn, hard to master. Nice graphics. Combat you can't really interfere with. Lots to do and hours of fun gameplay.
Command & Conquer : Tiberium Dawn - PC
The daddy of RTS. Easy to play. Nice (ish) graphics. Hours of fun. Enemy AI was ...not perfect, great for multiplayer.
Duke Nukem 3D - PC
One of the few FPS' that doesn't knock me sick/dizzy after 30 minutes. Graphics were ok for their day, but not great, but the gameplay and humour more than made up for it. Another one I still play today many years after first played.
Warcraft 2 - PC
Nice graphics. Good music. Great playability. Lots of humour. Kinda ruined by Wc3 and WoW but this game was, and still is very playable.
Diablo - PC
Very playable. Nice graphics. Nice story, but that took second place to the dungeon-crawler nature. One of the first co-op multi-play games (even though the people I played with tended to "shoot to kill" their team....). Never really got into D2, but am waiting for D3.
UFO : Enemy Unknown - PC
Having grown up watching the likes of Gerry Anderson's UFO live-action TV series, finding a game that (looked like it) was based upon it was thrilling to say the least. Nice story, very easy play. Hard to master. There's now an open-source free version with much updated graphics - 3D world map/globe, but the AI is're more than likely to lose half your squad inside 5 rounds....
X-Wing - PC
Very nice flight-sim/Space-combat sim. It was a must-have for all the sci-fi geeks back in the day...Others preferred Tie-Fighter, but X-Wing was THE one to have.
Other good games
Theme Hospital - Quirky, fun little time-waster. Who can forget cleaning up after all those with The Squits? :P
Morrowind - Very nice open-ended RPG. Good story-line, nice quests, very nice graphics. Very playable.
Golden Sun 1+2 - Gameboy Advance RPG game. Very well written. Excellent story. Lots to do. And you can play it anywhere (as long as your battery holds up, anyway!!:P)
Rome : Total War - Very nice strategy game. First saw this as the basis of a game-show on the BBC and had to go buy it, just for the Heavy-Lumps (elephants) kicking the snot out of Roman Legionaries. Turn-based strategy, real-time combat.
Where do we stop????? There's tooooo many!!!! I'm drowning!!!! HAYLP!!!
Post edited October 06, 2009 by Lone3wolf
1.Duke Nukem 3D
It's THE game. Great gameplay and wonderful humor. I have bought it 4 times and played it more than any other game.
2.The Witcher
Harsh and dark world with racism and sex. What is there not to love?
Hundreds of hours of fun. Slow pace, feeling of accomplicement and the freedom to do what ever you want. Even after playing it for months you will always learn something new.
4.Half-life series
A very well designed game series that always seems to bring something new to the fps genre.
5.Heroes of Might and Magic series
Addicting. .Nuff said.
6.Fallout 1-2
No need to even explain this one.
7.Baldur's gate series
Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!
8.Command & Conquer series (not the darn spinoff ones)
Some of the best rts games ever. Kane lives!
9.System Shock 2
A classic.
10.The Last Remnant
Others worth mentioning:
F.E.A.R. (only the first one)
Planescape: Torment
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War
Jets N Guns
Mass Effect
Company of Heroes
The Longest Journey
5 Days a stranger series (it gets better...)
Age of Empires 2
Avernum series
Edit: How did I forget SS2? Well, now it's on the list.
Post edited October 16, 2009 by sumppi
1. Big Rigs Off the Road Racing
2. Assassin's Creed
3. Far Cry 2
4. Call of Duty 3 (For Wii of course)
5. Fallout 3
6. Fallout: BoS
7.Call of Duty 5
8. Stronghold Legends
9. E.T.
10. Irritating Stick
Here's my current top 10, in no particular order:
Deus Ex
Half Life
Medieval 2: Total War
X-Com Apocalypse
Company of Heroes
Grim Fandango
Planescape Torment
Fallout 3
There's too much missing from that list. But then it is only a top ten.
-Tactics Ogre: I played it all on my PSP in a summer, hearing it was the best strategy RPG ever made. I enjoyed the Shakespearian characters, atmosphere, story and plot twists a lot, combined to the extremely deep system of stats, weight, classes, affinities, and all the secrets contained within. Yes I sweared many times when one of my characters was killed on the battlefield without me having any way to revive it, but on the other hand the brutality of the battles forced you to think things thoroughly, and I love the feeling of desperation and confrontation that they have.
I enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics a lot too for many of the same reason, but ultimately TO has a lot more going for it and is a lot deeper. Every time I play it I keep disct overing new subtleties I wasn't aware of before.
-Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Best atmosphere in a game ever! Nothing can compare to the feeling of entering into an abandonned apartment lot at night, or any other kind of creepy building, and never knowing is some demonic creature is going to pop out of nowhere and say "BOO!". The NPCs were also so charming, well-acted and memorable. And I don't understand why so many people seem to have the latter part of the game. To me Chinatown ruled.
-Deus Ex
For many of the same reasons as Bloodlines. Deux Ex though was more polished, and it nailed the cyberpunk, futuristic atmosphere. It was nice to read all the news and books in the world, that added a lot to it. Towards the end the game gets incredibly involving and a bit disturbing, and after beating it I remember being depressed for a few days after it was all over. Not many games can have that effect.
-Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
I'm a huge fan of arcade sports game, but the HSG ones are my favorite. This is my favorite party game ever. Making tournaments with friends is very much like real golf, only quicker and you suck a whole lot less! It's just so easy to pick up and play. I pick the PS3 version out of all the different versions that came out over the years because even though it has less depth than the PSP iterations, the graphics are really sweet, and involving, sometimes almost to the point of making you feel like you're on vacation.
An FPS with no bullshit, just scary demons and random supernatural creatures that jump out at you and a lot of brutality. I never get tired of firing it up to indulge in some good ol' carnage. I didn't like Serious Sam a lot because the game felt way too silly and disjointed to me. Good to see about the Painkiller sequel, and about Dreamkiller. To me this is how shooters should be, not that super-scripted, linear Half-Life/Call of Duty crap we have nowadays.`
-Virtua Fighter 5
Hard to pick a single fighter, but I'd have to go with that one. The depth is unparalelled, as not a single fighter even tries to rival with VF5's complexity of moves. I could train myself forever in this.
-Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Very admirable RPG. Creepy atmosphere. Extremely hard, but yet so rewarding. I can never get tired of fusing demons together to make more powerful ones. Beautiful cutscenes and undertones too. Absolutely hilarious demon dialogue. I've played many SMT gamfes but this is my favorite by far. Can't wait for the DS sequel next year, and another sequel with good graphics eventually.
-Demon's Souls
Made a thread about it a while ago. Such an epic, brutal, magnificent dungeon crawler. All of its greatest moments are conveyed without a single word, and it works beautifully. Very desolate atmosphere that truly gets to you.
This is already starting to be one of my favorites. The feeling of exploration has simply no equal, and Piranha Bytes are the best level designers in the whole industry. Great tactical real-time combat and level of difficulty. Fantastic world that feels really alive. Great NPCs oozing with charisma, and life. Fantastic allegiances and rival factions that have a lot of depth to them.
The original was the best to me. Great atmosphere, music, skills and stats, locations, everything is really well-integrated into each other, and fantastic gray morality. In the summer of 2008 I played it for all of one day without realizing how more than a few hours had passed! Then I went to a restaurant, and kept thinking about how I'd go about the end game. It's one of my fondest memories ever.
The Witcher
Planescape: Torment
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows Of Amn
The Longest Journey
Shadow of Destiny
Deus Ex
1. Freespace (SCP)
2. Europa Universalis III (with all expansions and MM mod)
3. X-Com - Terror from the Deep
4. Star Control II
5. Planestcape Tourment
6. Vampire - Bloodlines
7. Arcanum
8. Battle of Wesnoth - It's a freeware, get it
9. Ultima VII Black Gate / Ultima VII Serpent Isle
10. Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines (with patch)
Post edited October 09, 2009 by Narwhal
Narwhal: 8. Battle of Wesnoth - It's a freeware, get it

Looks very cool... Is it a cross of Heroes of Might and Magic + Civilization III?
Please say it is so.
Not at all. It is closer to Fantasy General (or the more recent and duller Fantasy War). It's well above it, and while it is VERY simple to understand (each unit has "weapons" with a number of attacks and a non-random damage, the hitting chance depending with only 2 exceptions on what tile is the opponent, i.e. a merman in water is tough to hit (30%), while an orc in water is plain easy (80%), an horseman in a mountain is easy to hit (70%) while a dwarf is not (30%). It is as simple as that (once you know that, plus the rules on day/night and the effects of village, you can play).
3-Chrono Trigger
6-Call of Duty(the first one)
8-Seiken Densetsu 3(secret of mana 2)
10-Ragnarok Online(my first mmo)
i've never played a more moving game in my entire life. i know its cliche and people will rant about "everyone says FFVII, way to be original!" but i know i'll never get the same feeling from any other game that i get from FFVII, best game i've ever had the pleasure of playing. i'm a huge fan of rpg's, and i'm mostly a console gamer. i love classic snes rpgs, the music and the old school graphics always suck me in.
The little thread that could.
LoneNite: i've never played a more moving game in my entire life. i know its cliche and people will rant about "everyone says FFVII, way to be original!" but i know i'll never get the same feeling from any other game that i get from FFVII, best game i've ever had the pleasure of playing. i'm a huge fan of rpg's, and i'm mostly a console gamer. i love classic snes rpgs, the music and the old school graphics always suck me in.
I have to agree with that. I loved the gameplay and materia system in FF7. The story is great, but not the best. Nobuo Uematsu composed great music for Final Fantasy games while he still was working for the former Square Soft. Anyway, it's one of my all time favorites too. (Well, all FF iv-x were great in my opinnion. I just like that kind of rpgs)
OK, my Top Ten in no particular order are:
- Syndicate
- Jagged Alliance Series (mostly 2)
- X-Com/UFO Series
- Heroes of Might and Magic Series (mostly 3)
- Hired Guns
- Ruff 'n' Tumble
- Chaos Engine
- Street Fighter Series (mostly whatever the hell the last ver of 2 was and alpha 3, never played any of SF3)
- Freespace Series
- Streets of Rage Series (mostly 2 and the still-in-dev Remake)
Other Worthy Mentionables:
Black Crypt
Syphon Filter 1-3 (never played the others)
Goal: Championship Edition (unofficial Kickoff 3)
Sensi Series
Lucas Arts Point 'n' Click Games
Def Jam: Fight For New York
Elder Scrolls Series
Cannon Fodder
W40k: Dawn Of War Series
Fallout Series
Beyond Good and Evil
Guilty Gear Series
Kung Fu Chaos
Gladius (I'd love to see a sequal to this but NOOO, Lucas Farts think all we want is frikken Lightsabers and jedis)
Wrath Unleashed (bit BLEH on single player, great fun on multi)
Eeeh, I'll stop here before my list gets too long ^_^
The Witcher is DRM free.. just gotta click continue a lot till the exe gets on tract... 1.5 patch did it, poorly as hell but it did it....