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anomaly: ...It looks like Valve has heeded the hatred and reversed the tide on Earth 2066 under Early Access, and refunded customer money. ...
That is nice. Although I wonder how it was done legally. What if the funds would have been already exhausted? Did the publisher only get the money much later? Or simply: where do they take the money from? I rather doubt it will become standard although it would be a good thing.
lukaszthegreat: i read the thread and op's link and i still don't have idea wtf you guys are talking about.

what is earth 2066? fps? adventure game? another dayz clone? why was it pulled. saying the game is broken is meaningless statement. what was so broken about it? what was falsely advertised.

god. the forbes article is horrible. no information whatsoever. i guess i got to wait for Total Biscuit video or Jim's sterlings... who i know from TGS podcast only. did he make a video about the game before?
You make a valid argument there. I only know what it was from Jim Sterling, and yes, the article does seem to rely on the fact that the reader actually knew about the game, or the issues with it, before hand.

OTOH, Gamespot didn't really do much better, though there is some footage of the game. Still, there is little explanation of why the game itself was broken, as opposed to, for example, simply being in alpha.

Gamespot Link
Post edited May 07, 2014 by anomaly
JohnnyDollar: ^ Yeah, MOO3 isn't broken or half broken afaik. I don't know about M&M 9 either.

The only broken or half broken game here that I can currently think of is Gorky 17. I just know that from reading posts about it in that game forum in the past. I've considered buying it before but never have because of the complaints.
Grargar: But is Gorky 17 really broken? That is, broken even on Windows XP or Vista? Because the gamecard doesn't list Windows 7 or 8 as a supported OS.
Probably not really broken, no. It's the only one off the top of my head that may come close.

I just remember reading a lot of complaints and members having a lot of trouble with it. One in particular that I recall was having to resort to the software renderer.

It's been a while since I looked. The impression that I got was that you can't run it as optimally as you should be able to, and that that's probably not going to change. It was enough for me to stay away from it and I haven't checked up on it since then.
anomaly: ...It looks like Valve has heeded the hatred and reversed the tide on Earth 2066 under Early Access, and refunded customer money. ...
Trilarion: That is nice. Although I wonder how it was done legally. What if the funds would have been already exhausted? Did the publisher only get the money much later? Or simply: where do they take the money from? I rather doubt it will become standard although it would be a good thing.
Lacking this information I can only surmise. However, I imagine that Valve is refunding from their own pockets and will be seeking financial redress from the developer on their own.

Just speculating though.
JohnnyDollar: ^ Yeah, MOO3 isn't broken or half broken afaik. I don't know about M&M 9 either.

The only broken or half broken game here that I can currently think of is Gorky 17. I just know that from reading posts about it in that game forum in the past. I've considered buying it before but never have because of the complaints.
Both work. As in they won't crash (all that often) and there is nothing that will prevent you from playing the game, other than possible poor design choices, broken features and a general lack of quality. MOO3 does at least have quite a few nice mods, and it is actually quite fun in multiplayer. M&M9 feels like a game that is here because the rest of the series is here.
Wishbone: Not a good argument. The difference lies in the number after those game titles. You may think those games suck, and most people may even agree with you, but deliberately leaving out certain entries in otherwise popular series of games is hardly a good idea. Lots of GOG customers are collectors, and as such prefer to have a complete series, even if one or more entries aren't exactly fantastic games.
mystral: First, that particular statement was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I thought it was obvious, but apparently not.
Second, your argument doesn't wash either, since there are quite a few games on GOG that are pretty bad according to most people and not part of a series (Daikatana anyone?).
True, I phrased that post badly. It should have said "Not a good example". The fact is that however poor those two games may be, many people would complain if they were not here, simply because they are part of series which are here.

Daikatana may not be the best example either. Personally, I think it belongs here due to its history and "notoriety" if you will. Many people who never tried it will buy it just to find out what it's all about, full well knowing the history behind it.

Be that as it may, I was actually only criticizing your example rather than your argument. I just phrased my post very poorly.
lukaszthegreat: i read the thread and op's link and i still don't have idea wtf you guys are talking about.

what is earth 2066? fps? adventure game? another dayz clone? why was it pulled. saying the game is broken is meaningless statement. what was so broken about it? what was falsely advertised.

god. the forbes article is horrible. no information whatsoever. i guess i got to wait for Total Biscuit video or Jim's sterlings... who i know from TGS podcast only. did he make a video about the game before?
Here you go:
Post edited May 07, 2014 by Wishbone
looking at metacritic scores , gog does have quite a few bad games as well but this earth 2066 took the cake when the dev had a meltdown on the forums over his scam being exposed , never had seen anything like it since that war z scam
it was so bad that valve wiped the forums clean for that game.

the only games personally i have seen broken on gog are the atlantis games
Post edited May 07, 2014 by liquidsnakehpks
At least GOG doesn't have Game Tycoon 1.5 (which was released on Steam rather recently, though that game came out years ago). I know because I have the retail copy that was sold back in 2006.

That game is literally broken in various places. In the U.S. English version, parts of the game aren't even completely translated (may even encounter cases where it is entirely in German). By broken as stated earlier, I mean it is literally buggy. Good luck trying to follow the tutorial because that is one of the parts of the game that gets bugged.

When I originally got the game, I was initially excited to play such a game. Unfortunately, that excitement died down quick when I found several problems with the game.
liquidsnakehpks: looking at metacritic scores , gog does have quite a few bad games
Looking at metascores I love quite a few bad games. :P
liquidsnakehpks: looking at metacritic scores , gog does have quite a few bad games
F4LL0UT: Looking at metascores I love quite a few bad games. :P
I've almost given up looking at the scores themselves. I will read or watch a review before buying a game, but in the end I prefer to just know what some of the good and bad points are before hand and then make my own mind up after.

Metacritic, IMO, is now a bit like Rotten Tomatoes, where it almost feels like the reviewers are sometimes trying to outdo themselves to tell you how shite a game is.