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Add game shortcut icon to the desktop
Bruh we getting GTA6 before GOG shortcuts LMAO
No feature yet? Is this a joke? It's such a basic one...
How can't it create a shortcut?
I tried to do this today and was shocked to find it wasn't even a feature...what? how?
I'd like to have this feature too...
How is this not a thing already?
Plus one, come on....ability to add a desktop shortcut for games please!
2024 calling... I can't believe getting an icon on the Desktop isn't available in GOG Galaxy.
Thank you, holy man. Could you also add the ability to change the gog galaxy folder, because I need to manually edit the properties of the shortcut.
Okay, so I've created a (very ugly) desktop utility that uses GOG Galaxy's configuration DB to toggle some settings, including the ability to create the shortcut when using Verify / Repair.
It also includes a button to create the shortcut for you (asks for admin rights).
Disclaimer: I don't take any responsibility if this messes up your installation. Back-up the GOG Galaxy DB (it's located at C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\storage\galaxy-2.0.db), or better, your whole PC.
Source code:
If you had GOG Galaxy add the shortcut to the desktop at installation but accidentally removed it, you can re-add the link by clicking Manage installation > Verify / Repair.
I would still very much like the ability to add a Desktop shortcut even if you didn't check that option when installing.
Unfortunately, the automatically created link results in the client being started. The link directly to the game exe (or launcher) is the link that you will find in the installation folder! You can simply copy this to the desktop.
One eternity later...
I guess they expect us to not be complete newbs when it comes to basic windows operation.
Still waiting
Still waiting
GOG we are still waiting...
I know there are lots of different requests but this was raised 8 years ago and still not done -- I can't imagine it's
In what universe does it make any kind of sense that this isn't a thing yet?
DO IT, please.
wow, 7 years later and this simple to do feature is not implemented :(
Should have been added a long time ago now
I know I can create the shortcut manually, but I think it would be nice. :)
Please add. I have to reinstall game to add shortcut.
It's probably some corporate bullshit about milking engagement with their stupid platform as much as possible. Shame on you GOG; there's no good reason to not add this simple feature feature.
It's insanely annoying not to be able to do this..
Given that it's an option during installation, the inability to do so without *uninstalling and reinstalling* is frankly ridiculous. This isn't even adding a new feature; this is making an *existing* feature accessible via menu.
should be low hanging fruit guys :)
Just DO IT!
Just add this already. Crazy that we cant do this
+1, this is a much needed feature that should not required that should not required much efforts to implement.
Please GoG, hear our supplication.
I too would like this, I had deleted the desktop short cuts thinking that the game would play with the expansion, it does not. To play the additional content of the expansion I need to go to additional executables and select the expansion.
The game does give the desktop short cut option on install. So I simply uninstalled and re-installed.
Just to follow up... in my case, the game shortcut in the game directory is not the same as the shortcut created on the desktop, so there isn't an easier way of creating the desktop shortcut as far as I can tell.
I was able to work around this by uninstalling without deleting my saves, and then reinstalling with the option to create a shortcut on the desktop ticked.
Really? It's not implemented yet? The feature is already there when installing the game, but its not possible to do the same thing after installed?
I am getting the issue to add the icon to Desktop and also getting the error code 1001 in my system. I also try on for the help purpose but did not get any response.
This is even more important now that Galaxy has cloud saves: click the icon, Galaxy opens, cloud saves sync, game launches. At present, only the game launches. If Galaxy is closed cloud saves will not sync.
Yes! The option to add / remove the desktop shortcut SHOULD be included on the 'settings' page! The option for automatic updates is already there. Why isn't the desktop shortcut option there as well?
Yeah, not having to dig through folders to add the icon for the game I'm currently playing would be nice.
I disable the icons because I don't like the clutter and constantly having to delete the icons every time a game updates, but I like to keep an icon for the game I'm in the middle of on my desktop.
Right now I have to hunt through and copy out the shortcut, sometimes I need to create a shortcut because not all games have a proper one.
I have added old games to the Galaxy client, sometimes taking them from my Steam folder (blech, I rebuy all my games that I once owned on Steam when they become available on GOG) and then adding it to Galaxy. For all games that are manually added to Galaxy, there is no option to add an icon.
Since manually adding games to Galaxy is a good time to maybe re-organize your game install directories without breaking the games, it seems like a perfect place to have an option to add icons, both Desktop and Start Menu.
The ability to have a shortcut added to the desktop during installation through the client is already an option in the settings. Even if you have this option disabled the client creates a shortcut. The client just places it in the game install folder. You can then manually copy it to the desktop later. A button (perhaps under the "more" option on the game page) that does this copy for you would be nice.
41 comments about this wish