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Set online status completed
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for implementing this in 2.0.38!
Wish I could just look away and become invisible, like NPCs in Cyberpunk 2077.
Please implement this. I usually always set myself to invisible if I want to have my peace while gaming
long overdue
To GOG and the community thanks for letting me put all my games in one basket <3 I like looking at it. Only I can't use it to game cause I like a little privacy while I'm gaming. Sometimes I just take a screenshot of my "stats" and export my entire list of games just so I can view my games at any time without being online.
Lack of this feature is a dealbreaker for me.
I would love to use your client, but I simply can't without being able to turn myself invisible.
How, after all this time, is this still not an option!?
Hello GOG Team please add a Invisible Button please.
Love the client, but not going to use it until this is fixed
I just had all my accounts connected after some work to get it working due to some reasons, just to have it removed. I love the idea but realising that we're being forced to be online all the time is a big no for me. I've always been supporting CD project since early 2000 but the release of Cyberpunk, all the lies and crap you had us to belive in, and the moneygrab? You have lost all my confidence. You are at rock-bottom and sadly not worthy of trust, and this mess might even be worse than EA / Activision because you know for a fact that they always lie and moneygrab... but you? You got alot of work to do to earn my trust again, and the privacy concerns doesnt make it any better because I belive I'm not the only one thinking like this.
please put this on high priority
Why is this not added yet? How big a feature is this to implement?
Nope - tried everything to go "offline" or be invisible. Nothing works.
Love the idea of GOG integration, but I have finally given up. Too many crashes, bugs, Steam integration plugin always fails, plugin always crashes, so much wrong with it, that I'll try again in a year or two.
GOG Galaxy 2: 10/10 for effort, 1/10 for usefulness.
I know you can add it!! YOU GUYS GOT THIS!!
It's hard to recommend to my friends and family to buy games in GOG, because I know it's important to them to be able to manage their online status
I can't believe this is not supported by the client. Please add this functionality! I don't want people to see what I do some times.
GOG is starting to compete with Steam on a lot of fronts, I really hope this is one soon. I love my friends, and we play a lot, but sometimes I don't want all the invites - especially since I bought 2077 on GoG to help support CDPR, and now I just wanna stealth play on the net.
It's quite irritating that I'm always "Online" whenever the client is running. At the very least there should be options for Busy and Appear Offline.
Grant me access to Galaxy source code and I will implement this myself.
Need this! I would like control over what people can see.
Please look at yours customers that are begging you to add this. It's really not that complicated feature to add...
How is this still not an option?
Love what you are doing with the client. Bringing in all the other clients is brilliant, however, things like online status would be nice, especially as its present elsewhere like steam. Like many I'm really a Steam main so not having features it has is a bit of a bummer
Please let me log out of all social features, I wanna play games in peace. Or at least set status to invisible. But logout is better, see Steam for example, they do it right.
Literally the only reason I don't use this as my dedicated launcher. Very baffling. You can either keep the current user base or give people the option & gain everyone on this list & more without affecting anyone who wants to display as online.. the math seems pretty simple to me?
Agreed, need a way to either go busy, Do not disturb, away, and invisible. Always on makes me want to just not use Galaxy
just bought cp 2077 on gog
normally i am a pure steam player and only buy games on steam
I want offline mode!
pls don't make me regret to support you
this is a baseline quality of life/privacy ability. I don't always want to be available even if I do want to play. It is enough to make me not want to log into GOG. Please allow this ability?
Add it NOW!!!
Please fix this! I want to be able to play in invisible mode
This is preventing me from buying more games on GOG. Seriously, and I don't like that.
What the hell, GOG?
It's almost 2021, just add the feature already!
How is this not a thing yet???
Features that should've been implemented in Day 1...
I just realized this was now how Galaxy works (i.e. always appearing online when logged in) after months of not playing GOG, or really games at all, and I am ready to delete everything and never log on to GOG again. This is totally against the origin and intention of GOG, so whoever TF has highjacked GOG please GFYS and give us back what we originally came here for (and spent lots of $$$ on supporting you) - DRM free games and privacy.
Anything else is just a ""-ing pile of BS.
i just wanted 30 mins away to play a SP game....
And still lacking this basic feature.
This is very badly needed.
This should be added ASAP. It's an essential feature.
Why have this in press screenshots if the feature doesn't exist? Absolutely unacceptable for something so easy to implement. Ya'll can do better.
Because of this privacy issue, The true amount of hours played(because I play them offline) is not reflected by galaxy...Who looses out? As long as the games play offline its only galaxy that looses.
It makes no sense this is not a feature yet. I am not comfortable playing in GOG if I don't have this.
Seriously it rather seems silly, that this simple feature is none existing. Especialy, since people are asking for it for five years now. And it most likely should be easy to implement. I'm a programmer and am willing to come by a weekend for free and do it for you.
It's unbelievable how GOG could release a 2.0 version of their client and still miss this ESSENTIAL feature. I will buy my games at the competition until this feature is added.
No words... how can gog not have this? - back to Steam it is
Until this feature is added GOG Galaxy will never be anything but an old games launcher to me. I instantly disconnected everything I had just connected after it became apparent that this feature was lacking.
153 comments about this wish