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Please bring this game to GOG!!!!!!!!
Bring SimCopter back!
Please bring this game to GOG
please bring this game back gog!
We need to complete the entire series of SimCity 2000 games on GOG! Just this and Streets of Sim City to go! Be sure to wish for both!
Bring us this game back!
I played it way back and would love to play an updated or supported version to throw money at. Lost a of nostalgia thoughts go towards playing it
Tried it on a VM, it would be nice to play it with GOG , seriously
I still have my disc from the 90s, but havent even attempted to install it on anything beyond xp. It would be so great fo have a digital copy updated to run on modern systems by GoG magic
This was one of the first "sims" i played. Its easy to get in to and its really a lot of fun. Its not going to impress anyone and its very dated, but its still a lot of fun and a true classic. I never played sim city, but i understand you can upload the cities you made in those games and fly around doing missions in them
just found another site with simcopter complete with patch ready to
download and theres a new game in town called cities skyline with yep youv guessed it , a simcopter, its popular on steam apparently .. anyway heres that link , hope it doesnt get scrambled
like the ones below btw.
ps these are updated with a patch as mentioned by kingsyphillis
these links are for the websites of the maker of said patch with download links of the actual games
dont know if im able to post links here but will try as both simcopter
and simstreets are much valued by some so heres two links for them.
I logged in to GOG specifically to look for this game. I'm upset that it's still not found after all these years. Should be a title for a storefront such as GOG.
SimCopterX, a hi-res patch:
I also want it! I'm gonna give 25 hours (can haggle for more) to an environnemental non-profit organisation once i'm a qualified environmental protection technonologist next year if you release a windows 10 friendly version of this game on your platform!
fun fact! Former Maxis employee Jacques Servin was fired for the famous SimCopter Easter egg: 300+ men dancing in speedos by the landing pad on certain dates, such as his birthday, his partner's birthday, and any Friday the 13th. The game is mostly panned for its atrocious graphics and bugs but praised for it's premise and music. The player can also import cities from SimCity 2000 and play in them.
Pleaaaseeeee come to GOG along with Streets of SimCity! Perfect companions to that SimCity 2000 :)
probably will never happen because of Origin but it's worth a vote anyway. best sim game ever made.
This is needed in my nostalgic life. I would be ever soo appreciative for you to add this game. it must happen please!!!
such an amazing game for its time
My favourite game of its era. Especially good when I put some custom music in (read: Airwolf BGM).
I can still hear the main menu music like it was yesterday. I say release the Simcopter!
I haven't played this game in forever, would love to see it here!
One of my first games ever played on my first Pentium 2 computer.
Please add it, GOG! :D
Loved this, fun and creative.
Still might be the best "sims" game I've ever played!
I wonder if the "himbo" version is still flying around. XD
Would love this game.
I would gladly buy it in bundle with SimCity 2000 and maybe Streets of SimCity.
Horrifically Underrated GEM of a game with Simcity 2000 support. Still fire this one up from time to time (with some tweaks to get working) but would throw money at GOG to give me CD-Free version. It practically screams to be on GOG. I Would buy this in heartbeat.
Please bring this game back! It was the only game my father could play and he loved it. It be great to let him play it again one more time.
I played the crap out of this game! Would love to be able to buy it again!
Played more than a healthy dose of this game as a kid, would like to play again.
Hnnnnggg, the nostalgia!
I love this game and would pay to get it back
I am willing to pay top dollar, if it runs on a modern PC. No need for redoing graphics, soundtrack, or anything else. Just make it run.
I love this game i had it working on Windows 7 Home premium but too much work to play it. I would like to buy it instead.
This game is ugly and buggy as hell, but as soon as you start a playthrough it doesn't matter anymore because it extremely fun. Once I start I couldn't care less about the graphics.
Also, the soundtrack was incredibly good.
So many hours spent playing, rescuing, destroying, dropping sims from helicopters! Bring back the nostalgia!
I really wish this would happen. I remember this being the first game i actually played on my dad's old PC. i didnt even know sim city 2000 could connect to it, i would totally purchase both of these
Can't tell you how many hours I played this game. The fact that it was linked to SimCity 2000 files made it better!
I would buy this game AND Simcity 2000 from GOG if they got it. Better yet, sell it as a bundle!
I love this Game, i played a lot of hours.
This game would make my year if it were ever released on gog
Want this... :3
I wouldn`t mind playing the old, bad looking (for today`s standard) master piece!!!!! Oh my goodness... back in the day I only had the chance to play the demo, since I live in Brasil and some games were just freaking HARD to get!!
I'm so sad I can't get this running on my newer computer, what a classic! Everyone looked like demented mutants with spaghetti for faces and made bizzare puppet noises when you ran into them, but it contained a charming interactive world seldom matched in todays games. Also you could chuck people out of your helicopter and get money for solving traffic jams you started.
<a class="light_un" href="<a class="light_un" href=""" target="_blank">"</a> target="_blank"><a class="light_un" href="</a>" target="_blank"></a></a>
This game needs a high-quality version of the soundtrack to be released as well. *sigh* This will never happen.
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