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Add regional pricing for India
Please add Regional pricing for India.
Now it's 86 inr
gog plz add more currency like egypt , india , turkey
if you added more currency we will buy from you
GOG please make it happen. It will benefit both the customer and you. I myself want to play most of the old games and also new ones. GOG is a very good game store for it happen. The only thing stopping everyone in India to use GOG is not having this feature.
Because of this most buy games on Steam without having any options left.
I don't see why this is taking time.
yes i really want them to introduce regional price in India. I like GOG but can't buy their games because of no regional price in India
So true. If they add regional pricing, I am not buying anything from steam. GOG all the way.
But right now, GOG cost is too high compared to steam.
yes gog has so many old games support that even steam doesn't have add Indian currency and see the market share grow, consider got
Add regional pricing for India!!!!
So my opinion may sound a little harsh and may be very unpopular for most people but I think different incomes in different countries have their *reasons*. Different incomes are the results of different performances of two economic zones and, eventually, the economic power of the individuals in it. What worth is a different salary if prices are constantly adjust for that difference. Why would a graduate from Harvard University want to continue his or her highly skilled work if his or her salary is eventually leveled to the salary of a chaiwala.
I have Cyberpunk on me, but I can't get Phantom Liberty just because looking at the price here is crazy, and when I compare it to Steam I so much wish I had purchased the game there. The gap between the prices on GOG and Steam goes nearly up to $5, it's not a small amount!
yeah i also want to buy games from here because i also support DRM free games but the prices way more here than on and epic. GOG should consider India as there main market too otherwise steam will always be number 1.
Please add this! I would like to purchase from this website if it had Indian pricing. I prefer DRM Free games over Steam, but for now, I am only buying games from Steam. I do not want regional pricing as it may be difficult for Gog to manage. It is best to follow a similar strategy as Steam, with just one price throughout India, similar to an average.
Don't worry guys, soon these AAA companies will start charging $70 for their Steam games even in India which will make the GOG releases competitive.
I wish more bump this. Aside from regional pricing, I wish they supported Indian payment methods too. (Heres the post so ppl cant vote for it too:
I really wanna buy from GOG, but some games which are 900rs in steam are a whopping 2000rs here.
please hell no . Regional restrictions are a pain to deal with . Would rather just buy on sale .
Please add this
I'd much rather support gog due to lack of drm than steam for the same game ,but the prices are too high right now
Please add this!!
Bumping this once more since the most popular stores today have regional pricing for India including steam, epic, ea, etc. GOG please get this done!
Saarjree we are superpower we have moon mission full sumpot to Russia west is so bad. Also give us cheap games cos we have no money plox
Please, I too want to buy games here.
Please add this!
When this was written$1 was ₹63, now $1= 83! Meanwhile India has also became the larges population in the world, also the largest open market in the world.
Come on GOG, both Steam and Epic have regional prices for India...
Do it come on
Guys over at GOG, would really love to buy games in this platform since they're also DRM-free and better than other publishers. Unfortunately y'all have decided to not include over a billion people for your store by not having INR conversions and proper regional pricing which all other stores do!
2023 and gog is being a cunt still
almost 2023 and gog give zero fuck
Me and my friends will stop buying from steam and move completely over to if a fair regional pricing based on purchasing power parity is introduced. We together must have bought around 500 games from Steam store. And there are more than a billion of people in India. All entering the internet era/gaming scene just about now. Huge opportunity to tap into.
Update on the original description.
Generally, all games on steam/epic are priced lower in INR than the USD price (converted to INR).
It's been 6 years. Surely we can have regional pricing implemented on this platform some way by now. :(
yes man please add it!
I know the games after DRM free but in the early days before steam even the boxed games were regionally priced. Much lesser than USA prices. So please verify our region and let is buy and play at least cost.
True with 7000INR per month (94.70 USD) , We Indians can get 2 shared bedroom with TV, unlimited WIFI , 3 meals/per , cloths washing & Ironing , room cleaning in HYDERABAD near Microsoft, Google, many MNC companies .
yes please
Literally the only thing stopping me from buying from here
Add regional pricing for this entire region. When a single game can cost 20% of a month's salary, it's simply not affordable!
Please add pricing like steam and epic India. Poor nations can contribute to sales in larger volumes.
I would buy more if regional pricing.
Yes, Please add Regional pricing for India. The Dollar exchange rate is very hurtful. Even Epic games added Indian Pricing on their Store.
A game costing a month's food sounds about right. What are you complaining about? I mean, you don't want cheaper games in general, you want cheaper games for yourself...
Please add regional price and indian payment method
100 times yes. It's way above the Indian income, and in turn, Indian saving limits to spend on a AAA title. Regional pricing is absolutely necessary.
do it plox!
Please add regional pricing.pretty please
Please add regional pricing for India. Would love to buy from GOG regularly.
Add regional pricing for India
This will combat the rampant privacy and corruption in India
Yes, plssss. I want to buy so many of these old games from GOG, but the pricing is just too damn high for an Indian. I hope they put in place regional pricing just like epic games and steam.
Yes GOG in India need to have regional pricing for anyone from India to purchase games from GOG. Games in USD are way too costly for us.
135 comments about this wish