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Connection to Nvidia Geforce Now (stream games)
still hoping for it to happen someday
wanted and needed!
Yea, I lost my RTX2070 PC in a fire and all I have is GeForce now on an old tower PC. I can't afford a $2000 pc and to tell the truth I don't see any reason to buy a new one even if I could. GeForce now works perfectly. GoG games or any other gaming platforms like EA just ain't worth a new PC. GeForce now has a tone of games, and they run maxed out 1440p 120fps. So GoG. 6% of gamers use cloud gaming, and it's growing. 6% of gaming is $4.89 billion, expected to grow to $236.82 billion by 2035. Come on now.
I keep ignoring offers, i only buy games on steam because of this. I would like to buy games on, guys, help me :D
The games on Amazon Luna run really well ! I play Wasteland 3 and a lot of another ones by this cloud gaming.
GFN are the best, but I think Luna is the 2nd best one, so happy to try it and approve it
We should be able to connect our account to Geforce Now and play the games we own.
Giving players more options is always good for the platform.
I own Witcher 3 and CP2077 on GoG. Both show up in my free GFNow account. When I click on "Change Store" it even shows that where I own it. There is nowhere to sign into GoG so I have no idea how it knows, but it might be worth checking your library on GFNow. And signing into all the services on both GFNow and GoG. Maybe by logging into Steam or Epic on both GoG and GFNow it shows up. Good luck!
GOG definitely needs to be a part of GFN. More often than naught now, if a game isn't releasing on GFN, then it means it gets a hard pass until it does show up. I'm happy to spend my money on new games, but there's no point if I can't play them at their best, and can't stump up for a fullblown gaming rig
no way it will happen
As a GOG user, I would love to play the games in my library through GeForce Now, but currently, this platform isn't supported. This is a significant drawback.
Being able to play these games via GeForce Now, a high-quality cloud service, would be a fantastic option for many gamers. While platforms like Steam and Epic Games are supported, the absence of GOG from this list is disappointing. Having access to my GOG library from anywhere, on any device, would be the final piece that completes my GeForce Now experience.
The campaign to change this is a positive step forward. Including GOG among the supported platforms on GeForce Now would be a big win for both Nvidia and GOG. Not only would this offer gamers a broader range of games to choose from, but it would also increase GOG's accessibility and popularity.
I’m eagerly waiting for Nvidia to listen to this demand and integrate GOG games into GeForce Now. Here’s hoping for a future where we can play all our game libraries from one place with the best performance possible!
use geforce now really as my main plattform if possible since February 2023, would be amazing to get GOG there too as an alternative for the future.
There really is no comparable streaming games service at the moment and I maintain that there will be in the long term too
Same thing on my side. I now use Geforce Now exclusively and if I had the choice between GOG, Steam or Epic, I would always choose GOG, but this is not the case since apart from CD Projekt games, which I own on GOG, it does not There is no way to connect your GOG library to Geforce Now, as offered by Steam, Epic or even Ubisoft. If you want to play a game, you have to reluctantly buy it on Steam or something else. This is a major competitive disadvantage for GOG. The same goes for similar services like Boosteroid. Only Amazon Luna offers a more comprehensive partnership with GOG, but to date, Geforce Now is FAR ahead of the others.
+1, same here!
There's currently a Humble Bundle with only GOG games, the only reason I didn't buy it is due to no ability to play them via Geforce Now from GOG (5 of 6 games are playable from Steam on Geforce Now). This is costing GOG sales.
+1. I miss having my GOG library on GeForce Now.
Kann mich den Vorrednern nur anschließen, es ist wirklich enttäuschend, dass einige TItel, die ich bei GOG gekauft habe, nicht über Geforce Now laufen... Dadurch wird man leider gezwungen, sich entweder einen Gaming PC zu kaufen oder zu mieten, oder bei Steam zu kaufen :( also bitte bitte macht es möglich mit GOG Und Geforce Now :)
Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y is on a crazy sale for GOG but I refuse to buy it because I cannot play it via GeForce Now.. This is so disheartening :'(
The fact that GOG is not participating in “Nvidia Geforce Now” is a decisive competitive disadvantage. I've already bought games from Steam because of this, even though I actually wanted to stay loyal to GOG...
Common GoG, You're going with Luna but no love for the best streaming platform there is?!
I have had to repurchase some of the games I originally bought on GOG in Steam in order to play them via Geforce now. It obviously means that in the future I will buy on Steam instead of GOG.
Make it so, GOG, make it so!
I paid more on GOG to own my games, is it too much to let me play them however I fucking wish ?
+1 from me, too
Agreed, I also need to play games on GFN like 4 months in a year, and I can no longer buy games on GOG if this is not an option.
I wanted to play Pathologic 2 that I bought on GOG a while back but I can't.
When you click see all and choose a Digital Store filter it shows GoG as an option. Was that always there?
I cannot stress this enough, every game that I purchase would be through GOG if the library was available through GFN. I have a gaming PC, but my kids are on it if they aren't at school. I have an Xbox Series X, but it is connected to my Family Room TV and is more often in use by the family. GFN is how I do most of my gaming. PLEASE add 3rd party games to the GFN platform.
Throwing in my 2 cents. I have a PC for gaming but I use GeForce now when traveling. I've bought my last 3 games on Steam instead of GOG simply because I need GeForce now support. Please support this so that I can continue buying games here!
We need gog games in GeForce Now
+1 Common, GOG. We need this. It forces me to buy my games on Steam, instead of here.
Same here: want to play BG3, my laptop is too weak, want to buy it on GOG and then play on GFN, but then I see GFN only allows me to play it on Steam. Please GOG, make this happen!
Bought BG3 for my wife on GOG. She doesn't have a gaming rig, but with GFN that's not an issue and we can play together. Except no, we can't, because GOG cannot be linked to GFN.
So now I have to buy it on Steam.
This is pretty upsetting. Unless and until GOG can be linked to GFN, I won't be giving any more of my money to GOG.
Come on CDP, make it happen
Need this , it will up the prestige of this platform but beware of free drm fan too ^^.
+1 comment to keep theme active. I don't have many games on GOG currently, but would like to buy more instead of Steam, if GFN support will be added
Steam can be linked to GeForce Now, but GOG can not? I thought GOG is the more open platform? This is a serious drawback. Add a connection to GFN please!
I bought Baldurs Gate on GoG in order to support GoG and I cant play it, this means I now have to buy Baldurs Gate 3 again...
Well, as it is the last game I bought on gog were cyberpunk and EA of baldurs gate 3 in 2020.
And I only bout bg3 under impression that since cyberpunk goes on geforce now, so would be other games. And now I regret not getting bg3 via steam instead
I will have to choose Steam when I buy newer games, guys. It is a shame. I would prefer otherwise, but geforce now is a gamechanger stuffs for me. Please consider a full support.
Please for the love of god add a connection. My game crashes every time I play and I wish I didn't buy it through GOG so I could at least use Geforce Now.
Grab Larian devs and let them help your code Baldurs Gate 3 GOG into GeForce NOW.
Please allow Baldur's Gate 3 to be played on Geforce Now.
I love GeForce NOW so much that not having my 25 GOG games show up in GFN is a *serious* disincentive to buy anything more from the GOG store. I'm sure a lot of others feel the same. Putting all of my GOG purchases on pause until they're playable on GFN.
I voted for this Wishlist, but since a couple of games are already connected to Geforce Now, it seems that GOG only consider it title by title for now.
Therefore, I added a specific Wishlist for Baldur's Gate 3 on Geforce Now. If you're interrested, please vote for it too
Please add Geforce Now support to Baldurs Gate 3.
I am seriously considering moving from GOG to Steam immediately due to lack of Geforce Now support for it and other games.
Same as many here: I ask kindly that GOG and NVIDIA sit to gather to make as connected as STEAM is.
I really had hope back when Cyberpunk2077 was added with all three major stores as login option.
Could be nice to add BG3 to NVIDIA GeForce now too
271 comments about this wish