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Do not get bought by EA.
Where are you people getting this ideas from?
Has there been any rumors or are we just panicking out of nowhere?
This is the absolute best post from all the whislist. Kudos to the creator.
it be a weird twist if Valve bought GOG/CDPR
Where does it say Microsoft or EA're buying GOG or CDPR? That sounds like drivel that IGN spouts if you ask me.
They are getting bought by MICROSOFT instead Fuckwits.
@extent RIP Thanks to EA - Bullfrog Productions, Westwood Studios, Maxis (for the most part, hq closed and staff moved to EA), and Pandemic Studios
Also, Popcap Games as well.
Yeah, stay passionate, and self sustaining. Don't let the big conglomerate "EA" toy with you ever.
Only Embracer qualifies to buy. But I hope it never comes down to that. CDP should remain this way forever.
EA is looking around to getting bought itself XD
So yeah thats a bad investment long term.
My loyalty to is strong (even if it has occasionally been tested). With older games, it's a no-contest sort of deal, but I alsol won't hesitate where to buy titles when there is choice. If has Baldur's Gate 3 for $60, Valve for $50 and some skeevy key farm website for $40, then I am still buying from
<a href="" class="light_un" target="_blank"><br /></a> is, btw, owned by CD Projekt, so can't decide if or by whom it gets bought....
CD Projekt, please don't sell The fact that it is not currently owned by a major publisher (no offense) is its strength. If sold to any single major publisher, their competitors will surely withdraw their licences and attempt to create bad clones, like what happened to Netflix. Sure, they may do that anyway, but they haven't. Why? is better at it. Keep better at it.
The Codemasters acquisition by EA was not really long ago, and now the newest Grid Game called Grid Legends will have 3rd-party DRM (EA Account & Denuvo ) in the PC release on Steam. Warning; From now on, all future Codemasters PC releases on Steam might have 3rd-party DRM in it.
honestly. i wouldnt want gog to get bought by EA cuz of how money hungry they are. EA is money hungry in an evil way.
but honestly who ever owns GoG. i say get your bag of cash. you deserve it for all your years of hard work. if EA offers you a billion dollars. you might as well laugh your way to the bank. support your family and friends with the wealth. and live the good life for the rest of your life.
everyone saying not to sell are just trying to save their game libraries. GoG owner, you live your best life!
If anyone buys GOG, it'll be Epic Games.
Please remain independent, large corporations ruin communities!
EA is an evil game/company destroying company. They buy up smaller indy style companies and RUIN THEM and their games. Mythic with Dark Age of Camelot. Bullfrog etc etc. It would be nice if mergers\acquisitions actually got some scrutiny by the DOJ
Things change... People age... May be different view here, but also do NOT want GOG to sell to anybody. Some get tired, older, other interests -- John Carmack and Id, for instance. What they should do is hire younger replacements with their aim and KEEP the company. I am 60 myself, would not have this 'problem', but again should then promote from WITHIN. Not certain, just wondering: I have seen many come and go since the arcade days; I hate to see another just 'grow up' and give up a good thing. Let GOG LIVE. AMEN.
I will never forgive, nor forget what EA has done back in those days to Westwood and has therefore done to the Command&Conquer franchise. Tiberian Sun and it's addon Firestorm were the last great games in the series, because Red Alert 2 was nothing more than a stupid hooters galore, with big-breasted European actresses (pornstars?) that had to speak a stupid Russian dialect to be seen as "Soviet". And guess what, it even went worse with Red Alert 3. Nothing ever beats Tanya Adams and Nadia from Red Alert 1 and also the female actresses from Tiberian Sun were believable enough and great characters, instead of looking or acting like cheap pornstars. And don't get me even started on the in-your-face-US-propaganda from EA's Medal Of Honor series! Never shall EA get a dime from CD Projekt, because if you guys do that, you just literally sell your souls to Satan! Stay independent and remember the loss of Westwood, if they shall ever come to you with a case full of cash!
After buying Glu Mobile, EA has bought another company: Metalhead Software.
CD Project wont be bought at all, GOG is still their best damn Idea on this World and the next. Please for heaven sake dont get buyed at all, you may make some mistakes from time to time but we can forgive them as long you dont get buyed from the big ass companies who forgot how games should be like.
Don't get bought by EA, Epic or Ubisoft. They are all crap.
After buying Codemasters, EA has bought another company: Glu Mobile.
RIP Thanks to EA - Bullfrog Productions, Westwood Studios, Maxis (for the most part, hq closed and staff moved to EA), and Pandemic Studios
Sometimes I hope that EA can be broken up by antitrust laws one day.
The most recent company EA did buy is Codemasters. It won't be long before EA will destroy it. Which company will be next?
One of the greatest member of the Pay-To-Win Mafia on this planet.
Avoid EA!
Oh believe me...
If EA (or any other big company) buys GOG / CD Projekt, then it will not be long before the bigger company will kill-off GOG / CD Projekt.
EA ruins everything they touch.
Upvote out of principle. You have the best digital distribution platform going (in my opinion). I'll always buy from you first if I can. Please continue to be excellent.
please dont let Tesco buy you CDPR
Fuck EA! That is all.
Getting bought by EA is studio suicide, so only do it when you are ready to implode.
unlikely, considering EA seems to be on a path of redemption.
It's your company, stay independent or sell whenever and to whomever you want.
Be sure to also vote on the "Do not get bought by Epic Games" wish.
The Epic Games Store integration announcement is a bit disconcerting.
If EA buys you. I won't use this anymore.
EA is god-awful and an example of the worst of the worst. But given the amount of money they'd have to throw at you I couldn't blame a sale, but it would be very disappointing as an end user.
With the money CD Project is making there is no danger.
What you should be worried is not letting the success destroy them.
EA didn't become the EA we know from the first day it was created.
CD project should extremely careful to not become an investor based company trapped in the eternal loop of having to increase short term profits every year to satisfy investor etc.
They should see how much success and growth they are gaining right now but just providing a good hard working game and not think that they can improve that by doing other things.
why not telling CD Projekt to buy EA instead bcoz that has bigger chance
Do not join the Sith CDProjekt. I beg of you. You must believe this to be true.
Better yet, do not get bought out by bethesda/zenimax.
Vulture Investors and similar groups would be the main ones to look out for instead of EA.
The benefit of having DRM copies of video-games is that even if someone large like EA bought GOG, we'd still have all our games.
This is a rumour that was debunked 5 YEARS AGO. People, use your brain and Google, please. If anything, going by sales trends, after Cyberpunk comes out, CD Projekt Red may give some thoughts about buying EA, instead of the other way around.
They should purchase EA instead, take all the games and scuttle the co. ;-)
Where on earth did you even get this idea from? EA isn't buying anything, stop provoking reactions from users
Good luck with that.
when there was "not to" opinion appears, it always gets someone who provokes "it's useless for telling people not to".
YES, its working and very important to get attention and show how and why people reckon on that specific way of matter.
i believe today's community on net isn't a place where fake peace making would be effective anymore.
so i second the vote for "NOT" to be bought by EA.
they have their own principle as one of biggest company in gaming industory. i can understand their stand point.
BUT, their past left just too much more of painful scar for gamers/customers/funs rather than bringing what they are expected to do.
the course EA took in acquisition so far had always ended in killing capable 3rd companies. its practically liquidation by force.
I buy games I already own else where on here just because fk drm
It's useless to vote "please don't get bought by others". You have to ask it with your actions. Buy primarly from GoG, buy ALL games that have dayone on GoG. BUY!!
I'm very sad that I found out about GoG too late, many games I own on steam I would have buyed here (and some I'm re-buying) even if it required to pay more (and often the prices are the same lol)
I love GoG very much and I'll buy the heck out of it
339 comments about this wish