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Keep the GoG Downloader and keep it up to date
Honest question, why would you remove this to begin with?
Having a reliable program to download our games is a huge boon and the only methods to do that are all 3rd party with virtually all of them being command line and requiring you install python or something else on top of it just to run it and any GUI you get is another program on top of that.
Come on GoG, I own like 400+ games currently and love to keep them backed up to cold storage and updated with zero desire to use Galaxy, would prefer Playnite before I go that route. Just give us an official GoG Downloader that isn't a full on client like Galaxy which doesn't even download them all and requires you queue them up item by time.
Once again voting to please support this.
I know they have 2 different command line programs, 1 in python and 1 for linux but it really shouldn't be required to have this functionality.
I honestly don't care much for Galaxy as a program. I would be happy for a simple mass downloader that automatically updated your installers as you needed them and a simple AOL Instant Messager style chat client for if you wanted to play a multiplayer game.
And one of the main advantages of GoG is the offline installer and being able to just maintain a repository of your own easily would be great.
Just give us an app with a simple GUI where you log in, you select a folder to save to and select which language and operating system you wish to save for and if you want to get the extras and then just go and let it download anything you are missing and update anything that is out of date on your end with a quick list at the send, would be all I would want. The whole app would be the size of the old WinAmp player before they included video support and be just as small and efficient.
Bardzo dobry program. Czemu nie można z niego korzystać?
I was surprised to learn that GOG Downloader is not available anymore. I still remember how GOG was suggesting and convincing to use GOG Downloader instead of raw download via browser. What happened?
Please bring GOG Downloader back!
Offline installers are core GOG customer's jam. The Downloader, able to exist in the nude (and by nude, I mean outside the Galaxy client), would mean a commitment to offline installers, and thus complement them well. Also, the ability to easily download, maintain and keep these installers up-to-date would be a wonderful feature to have. It's a badass utility in that sense, and it would make me love GOG more if brought back into existence. Cheers.
Would definitely support a GoG maintained offline batch installer that would download all the offline installers and maintain them and their contents making sure to delete and replace anything as they are being updated.
All I have seen otherwise is some command line versions with no GUI which would lock out many from using it unless they want to learn command line and make sure to install the dependencies that go with them.
I'd prefer to use this to download offline installers.
Gosh, I really do miss the GOG downloader. Please bring it back.
GET RID OF THE DOWNLOADER!!! I hate that thing. Just make the downloads smooth so we don't need a problematic utility.
Another +1 for GoG downloader please!
The GOG Downloader supports Windows 7..... The GOG Galaxy 2.0 DOES NOT.....
Please keep the GOG downloader. The biggest differentiator between GOG and Steam was being able to use the GoG downloader rather than the untender mercies of Valve. No Downloader, no reason for me to prefer GoG to Steam when the same games are available on both platfpprms.
please support the old downloader. thank you.
By forcing Galaxy, you've also forced DRM on us.
hey i often download games on one pc and play on another.. galaxy is of no use to me
GOG Galaxy is excellent but please keep this downloader alive and supported
After I lost access to the Downloader program, I've noticed that I have saved a bit of money by not buying larger games that I know won't download correctly. I think I still have a 6gb game I can't finish downloading. I will never use Galaxy.
Szmyk, you dolt! Fix CP77, then restore and update GOG Downloader, sonny!
+1 for GoG Downloader!
1st strike for me removing Baldur's gate original saga. Second strike listening to China removing games. Third strike the downloader removal. This will end up like a worse version of steam. Enjoy!
GOG is going to the darkside of the DRM forgetting its customer base.
The downloader was the best way to download stuff from GOG. I don't use and never will use Galaxy as I don't want more of these utterly useless clients on my computer.
1995! 5 to go!
As long as the download-Speed with Galaxy 2.0 are such aweful, like until now compared to plain Webbrowser-based Download from GOG-Website, i would like to get rid of Galaxy instead of GoG-Downloader. I just need it only to keep my Gamefiles up-to-date, but no onlinegaming, (A-)social friends-/gimmicks and so one. What i would acceot to switch over to Galaxy would be performant Downloads, like from the GoG-Website via Internetbrowser.
I had an amazing tool to download offline versions of all my games. It was so simple: option "download with manager" and you could queue all the games you wanted. Now I'm on Linux, I don't care really much about Galaxy even if I installed it on my game PC), I'm using a download manager for my browser but I got error more than one time. It's been a week I'm trying to download a game with large files... At this time with GOG Dowloader I would already complete all my downloads. Please bring it back! even for Linux!
I don't mind Galaxy 2.0, but by default the games you download and install through it have the start menu and desktop shortcuts require Galaxy to open by default. I can easily remedy this myself, but every time the game in question updates I have to manually alter the shortcuts all over again. Offline installer backups through Galaxy are also broken for a number of games, including Cyberpunk 2077 as others here noted, and I just like having the option to queue up downloads for offline installers without needing to go through my web browser each time. Yes, the downloader would not offer any of the extra features of Galaxy (2.0), but just having a straightforward download client would be far more convenient for people who wouldn't use Galaxy's features to begin with and don't want to be forced to use it for solely that purpose.
My mistake. I misunderstood what was being written of here. I never liked the downloader, and I just download the offline backup installers.
But I still agree that the downloader should return. I actively dislike Galaxy.
This for sure. If it goes, I am gone for good regardless of anything else they do.
My vote for bringing back the downloader
Seems like you don't care to listen. Have used up wallet funds and never going to fill it up again. Keep ignoring everyone's requests.
Not loving GOG's direction the last year or so. This was a great differentiator, and I hope they adjust course and save their core while they can.
Aye. I was just using last year. WTF.
I would like to have GOG Downloader back so much easier than Galaxy
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Bring GOG downloader back. Galaxy is slow and a pain, its awful infact.
Here is my vote - bring back the downloader...
Please bring back GOG downloader for offline installation of games
GOG Downloader was so much easier to use than Galaxy. It did exactly what I needed it to do. I can't even get Galaxy to do what I want. Only things Galaxy is good for on my PC is crashing and hogging resources.
The link of offline backup installers of cyberpunk 2077 in gog galaxy doesn't work( I have contacted GOG support but only says to use the install button on gog galaxy and no explanation about the link offline installer blocking) and the other option is to download 27 chunks of 4G each one manually without a download manager : very difficult and long process.I ask myself if the blocking of offline backup installers of cyberpunk 2077 link in gog galaxy it isn't a step in Steam direction? Is this the end of the drm free era on GOG?
So i was downloading the offline installer for Cyberpunk 2077, my computer crashed for whatever reason and now I lost all my progress on the offline backup.
Seeing the Downloader return would be VERY much appreciated.
I was bummed to come back to GoG today and find that I have to manually download executables to install myself. Keeping a downloader to help me remember where my files are and what I have installed seems a no brainer from the customer support perspective. Please bring it back to make my life easier.
Don't let this request being forgotten.
Gog downloader was nice because it was small and effiicent. It allowed resuming. Gog galaxy has some great features and can now download the offline installer files just like gog downloader but it isn't small and does other stuff you may not like. It's not the end of the world if we don't get it back, but it would be nice.
Bring it back!! Remain classy GOG! Remain GOOD OLD GAMES and what it meant!
Here's requesting again to keep the GOG Downloader and incorporate it into Galaxy for that matter. Requests seem to be in vain.
God Downloader was a very convenient way of batch downloading the offline installers and extras without hassle. It supported resumed downloads. It was my preferred method for getting the offline backups of my game library. Should still be left as a legacy option at least.
I may not use the gog downloader often but that's the point - I can save stuff locally with ease. Bring back the gog downloader links please!
My god GoG is the slowest platform I've ever used. I'm on a gigabit connection and downloading Witcher 3 at 1.5 mb/s. What the absolute hell is this?
I generally get 100 MB/s on steam. I'm just about ready to just buy the damn game on steam again and never log into gog ever again.
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