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More languages for games in progress
German (Voice, Text)
At least make sure the original language is included, which is not the case for many German games, i.e. Edna & Harvey and Settlers 4.
Add Nederlands for The Longuest Journey
Norwegian for the longest journey
Italian for Maniac Mansion (Enhanced)
I still hope that one day GOG will finally release Jagged Alliance 2, as well as its expansion Unfinished Business, in German language. Remember, the game was only a hit in Germany, from what I have read, and it received perfect professional German voiceovers, especially the main game, so I see no reason why GOG only provides us with the English version of the game and its expansion. I refuse to buy Jagged Alliance 2 and its expansion, as long as GOG does not offer German language for those games, even if I know that there are German patches made by fans out there, but I do not want to spend money for a game on which I have to use some workarounds first.
German language for Jagged Alliance 2 + its expansion Unfinished Business please!
Add ru subtitles to psychonauts 2
Italian is missing in Maniac Mansion (DOS Enhanced)
Only Exclude russian = fascists language! ||||||||||||
We Ukrainian Gamers will be pleased with Ukrainian language in all games!
The Longest Journey with german language? I have got a DVD version, too. But it is not possible to play under Windows 10. A GOG version with german language and a hotfix should be the right solution.
French for The Incredible Machine
Norwegian for Den Lengste Reisen (The Longest Journey), games should be available in their original language! This is the only reason I hold off buying this game here.
More languages would be nice. I played many old games in their Spanish translation when I was a kid, playing them now in English wouldn't be the same experience.
more spanish please, i love gog
BTW, can you get back spanish again at the store, Galaxy and everything, please?
Simcity 3000 in Polish, please! One of the best Polish video game localizations ever. Gonna buy it as soon as it is available.
Norwegian for TLJ (The Longest Journey)
Total Overdose in Spanish PLEASE!
Hope for italian in Empire Earth!
Physical copies of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Deluxe and included in The Elder Scrolls Anthology sold in Poland are fully translated to polish (together with all small DLCs, Fighter's Stronghold included), so there is no reason to not add polish language to this game on GOG.
German is missing in many games :(
russian languages plise for Diablo 1,World in Conflict: Complete Edition,The Suffering,Soldier of Fortune: Platinum Edition,Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Norwegian language pack for the longest journey. It's amazing. Please add it.
maybe ı am the only turk here but pls turkısh language
Please Add Norwegian voice and subtitles
Please add norwegian language patch to The Longest Journey
Please add Polish language for Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor and Ceasar.
Buenas, y no se olviden ni del español, ni de la página web en varios idiomas, ya se ha visto que CD está trabajando en doblajes en español muy buenos, el caso de sus dos últimos juegos, pero gustaría un parche para los tres the Witcher, y sería espectacular, seguro, y para otros juegos, gracias
I would like the "The Longest Journey" in its original Norwegian, in which it is called "Den lengste reisen". Here on, this game is only in English and Polish, while the sequel "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey" is available in English, Norwegian and German.
I did not buy numerous games for that reason!
Maniac Mansion etc...
if translates were made by community - there is a quallity problem (e.g staff needs to play them and compare with original).
If by some third company long time ago - they could hold them via copyright. Also often there are situations when translates were made for old versions of game, that received patches since and thus not fully compatible anymore.
Initially I was against this; I thought it meant asking for more NEW translations to be made. I'm a polyglot (5 languages) but in all my 40+ years of life I've never found a local translation that was as good as the original English, or English translation.
Then I realised this wish is simply asking to have the original game's language packs to be included. Yeah, this is good. Why are they left out anyway? Seems odd.
Here's GoGmix I found with titles of a lot of games that were indeed fully translated to polish (including full dubbing): - kudos for zielonymlotek for compiling it. For most of these games full dubbing were also released in other languages (but not yet on GoG nor Steam)..
I finally bought a used copy of Thief Director's Cut with german language. I would have bought it on GOG or Steam with german language, but Square Enix don't care, so no money from me for Square Enix. This is the way to go. If you still buy games that have LESS content than the originals, than nothing will change...
It's great to find back Good Old Games here ... but why not including all languages available in physical releases. There are many games released in French and without any French version on the site. One example : The Book of Unwritten Tales...
Please add Hungarian languages for the games to which available.
Please polish languages Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor and Ceasar 3 :)
After buying The Longest Journey here, I saw Funcom too sells the game, with italian text. Oh sh*t !!!
Will you provide TLJ with italian subs also ?
Please add Polish version to Anno 1602
Please, include Spanish language in many old games that already have a translation. Of course, would be very nice if you include Spanish on the web site. Thanks in advance
The Longest Journey (the first game) with german voices, please ^^
It would be great, if every game on GOG had the same languages of the time it was released! I loved The Settlers IV! Could you bring the German language settings for that game? And Alpha Centauri would be less hard to play for me in my mother tongue ;-)
Is there even a possibility to add full Polish audio and text for TopWare Earth series?
Please, add Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
for 《Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition》、《Republique Deluxe Edition》.
Please take care to implement Polish translations for cult games and not only for them.
German for Thief Gold and Thief 2!!!
It would be great if you would add language for games already on your site. I have for example original version of Settlers 3 in polish. Would you add it to the game from original CD?
French for "Arcanum" and "Sanatorium" !
423 comments about this wish