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Optional age verification (e.g. for German users)
It’s 2025 and we still have no way to legally buy these games on GOG in Germany. You were my last hope
The whole situation is infuriating. I am not a frigging child! Let me buy adult games! Geez.
Then vote for one of these. The KJM (Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz) approved a few Online Age Verification Systems for CDNs - and GOG is in theory a CDN as well.
GOG ... get age verification going. eID isn't that hard!
Kristian: Yes, but I'm not a lawyer. GOG should spend a dollar on a lawyer and ask him that question. I'm sure it turns profitable for them.
Clarification: Most sites that require age-verification do so through a simple prompt to enter one's date-of-birth.
This does, unfortunately, create a bit of a paradox: most sites do require age-verification, but any first-grade school-kid is perfectly capable of doing the required math (it's algebra at its most basic) to enter an age that would make the censors think they're over 18 (especially this year: all they have to do is say they were born between 1-13 January 2000, or earlier). Of course, as Kristian pointed out, regular credit-cards could become required for Mature (which is technically 17+ in America) or 18+ (which is Adults Only in America, and not allowed to sold in physical, retail stores, but *are* allowed to be sold online) games, but fewer and fewer people can afford credit cards, what with their outrageous interest-fees and the ease of 'breaking the bank' on them (which is becoming all-the-more tempting with many credit-cards offering (excuse my French) STUPID REWARDS for spending big bucks). The only other method that would be difficult to falsify would be a copy/scan/etc. of one's ID/driver's license, which, again, can only be obtained by 18-year-olds (16-year-olds in the case of an American driver's license); however, care would need to be taken on this path by everyone involved (i.e. GOG/CD Projekt Red, the potential buyer, etc.), as this is a method frequently used by scammers and covert intelligence agencies to trick people into giving away their 'private' information (at least, as private as anything is anymore, what with said agencies... #bigbrotheriswatchingYOU).
In the end, the only method that's both safe and accessible to everyone is the simple 'enter your date-of-birth' method, though it's not really safe (as mentioned, anyone can figure out how to circumvent it), but increasingly fewer people have credit-cards, and using IDs or driver's licenses is risky. If anyone else has any other ideas, please DO post them here! I want uncensored games just as much as everyone else, though perhaps for different reasons (I'm a STRONG believer in female-superiority, but I don't think people should be ashamed to show off the bodies that God gave them; Adam and Eve strolled around Eden with nuttin' on and weren't the least bit embarrassed (especially Adam, I'm sure) until they ate the forbidden fruit, but that was the fruit's curse, and since I've yet to see any more of them since all those thousands of years ago, I think it's pretty safe for us to start baring it all again and not care what other people think).
Just stumbled over a wish for what Ashnak suggested (at least it 'seems' like it's the same service to me):
I'm no expert in German law, but... If it's 'already' legal for adult German citizens to buy those games... Couldn't customers of age 'simply ask' GOG to sell them specific games and verify their age through a third party service? (Like a payment method that requires them to verify their age or the link that Ashnak posted.)
I only buy uncensored games!
Censorship is bad, okay?
Think of all the lost revenue, the number of indexed games is already relevant and will not cease to rise. Implement
+1. Since GOG sells "indiziert" games, an age verification mechanism should have been implemented already.
"An option is to only give a normal credit card as payment option for these games as people under 18 can not register a normal credit card. Thus the name on the transaction, which was over 18, did buy the game and has all the responsibility and GOG is fine."
Are you sure this is good enough under German law?
An option is to only give a normal credit card as payment option for these games as people under 18 can not register a normal credit card. Thus the name on the transaction, which was over 18, did buy the game and has all the responsibility and GOG is fine.
Could be a real blow to Steam. Coming from a Steam fan.
This is definitely needed.
In germany there is a law-supported verification system from DHL. Users have to verify with their ID at a local post office. Many magazines use this system to offer content for 18+ only. "Computer Bild Spiele" (well known in germany) used to sell the uncut edition of Assassins Creed 2 in their magazine.
Please do it, GOG!
This needs to be a thing. Just let us verify our age and sell us all the games.
This can really elevate gog from the competition. It would be the first shop where one could buy observed games from lists A and C.
Like most customers i'm willing to pay a small fee to verify myself as an adult. There are several easy methods of doing so, for example by PostIdent or Giropay, which will allow gog to legally advertise and sell 99% of the idexed games to german customers.
If gog will restrict access to games for me, i will turn my back on them.
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