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Philippines Peso Currency
pls add regional currency. PHILIPPINES PLS. PHP!!!
seriously when??
Philippines currency. When?
Please GOG team, we know you guys can do this
It's been YEARS :(
still waiting for this please
Let's just keep piling this thread up and hope GOG consider our request
please gog
pleasssse any update on this gog?
I've Been Wishing to have a Philippine Peso Currency as a mode of payment for a way many years since I created this my account, but I haven't bought any single game on this platform. Hopefully this Next Year the GOG Team will hear about this, i love this Game Platform as for Steam though it has easy payment method for Philippine Users and Peso Currency.
Any udpate on this @GOG?
How long has this wishlist been here?, and why has GOG never done anything about it?
any update on this?? GOG, it's time to do this because the update from Steam.
PLEASE. I want to be able to buy them in Philippine Peso!!!
Regional pricing incentivizes me to buy from Steam instead of GOG, except where a game is heavily doscounted.
How do I buy a game with USD? This is my first time doing microtransanctions.
Yeah it would be great if we could actually use our currency to buy games, it being limited to USD and other currencies kinda makes buying difficult.
still waiting for this PHP currency. Wanted to buy games without DRM, i don't want to pirate.
for fick ske add it already
For the love of god pleaseeeee, i dont wanna piraate shit but its hard not to if i canat but shit hereeeee. dammit
Please add GCash payment option Ubisoft ea epic gamine store supports the GCash payment method
It's a shame PHP pricing isn't supported. As all the comments below say, the prices are just way too high ($) and thus all Filipinos are just going to stick to steam because the prices are much more affordable with regional pricing supported there.
Likewise, want Php peso currency for payment methods
Was planning to buy the Cyberpunk Ultimate edition in GOG to support the devs but no PHP conversion support made me purchase it in Steam :(
an update for this requests? A lot filipino people wanted to buy games here and if possible add GCash and Maya please. Thanks!
When are you gonna release support for Php currency? I want to buy Phantom Liberty DLC but it is still 30 USD on GOG but on steam it is cheaper because of Region pricing. Do you have any plans on doing something about this?
PH pesos price please? and add GCASH payment methods for pinoy users.
I really want to support DRM Free games but the support for PHP is not yet implemented.
This is so sad. So many years have pass already and there's still no support for PH regional pricing. I really want to support GoG but I guess I'll stick to Steam.
Php currency please. If possible, add option for GCash and/or PayMaya. Thanks!
YES PLEASE! Games on GOG cost twice compared to Steam. I would also love to buy more games on GOG if GCash or Paymaya is supported as an payment option.
My card expired and it's a hassle to get it renewed I have a substantial amount of games purchased and missing out on a sale right now. Please add more payment methods!
yeah, adding Gcash as a payment option for Philippine GOG users is a very convenient way to pay. GOG team can you please add Gcash as a payment option.
Its not even about being cheaper but it is very convenient. Having to buy a game using GCash is very straightforward on steam.
2022 and we still don't have regional pricing. and they say GOG was supposed to be the 'better Steam'.
gog should have regional pricing. That's the only reason why I still buy my games in steam. It's cheaper when I buy it in PHP.
games cost twice they should with the difference in currency pls make it happen
yes Philippine peso support please
Add Philippine currency please. Some of the games here are more than twice the price than in Steam.
we're having hard time buying here for games costs us twice as much meanwhile steam offers cheapest price, we really want to support you with all the updates that you guys put up for us to play old games.
yo PHP currency please!
Add the local currency. Why is this taking so long.
I'd like to add as well, games here in GOG cost DOUBLE than that of Steam's. DRM-Free or not, it's just too big of a gap to not take note of.
I prefer to buy on steam because Philippine peso is cheaper and gog doesn't have Philippine peso
Can anyone help me if where i can purchase gog wallet in the PH?? #Gwent<3
Yes please, I've only started using gog now but it would be a great help if they consider regional pricing for PHP. Would give me more motivation to buy from gog rather than steam, the only reason I still buy from steam is regional pricing
Why just the Philippines though, just say the rest of asia.
Please make this happen
can i ask if you bought any games here at GOG?
if yes, is the dollar translation reflects on the current exchange rate to pesos?
50 comments about this wish