decourcy22: Anyone who says there are no bugs and glitches has not played the game and is obviously just a shill.
a2055: Anybody who thinks that an occassional T-Pose will ruin their experience is a bandwagoner with no brain incapable of realizing that the game is completely fine to play, and that the game has been the target of a campaign of criticism starting with an article that accused it of racism because there was a black character in the story who may have been shady.
Realize what this is, use your own eyes and not the words of other potentially biased people, and look at your own experience. Once you do this, you'll realize that the people shouting and screaming from the rooftops that the game can't get past the intro screen are lying to you (on a good day).
In a better world, CDPR would care about you as much as you seem to care about the company.
But in the world we live in, they will take your money and shove a broken and unfinished game down your throat.
I'm sorry, friends. It is what it is.