mad_crease: Those cars are adorable. They handle nicely. zippity in and zippity out of heavy traffic quite nicely.
I want that little red golf cart looking thingy. It's so cute and totally would be the talk of the town.
They see me r--o--l--l--i--n, they B hate'n
ast486: :-D
I bought one and tooled around town for a bit in it.
My favorite car, though, is the long silver one that's got the LED stuff across the back.
i Just started to purchase cars. I think i own like 10 now. I get one, drive it to the next spot, buy that one, drive it to the next. Run out of Eddies, walk and "procure" funding along the way to the next vehicle. Wash, Rinse Repeat.
I did a quest thingy where you hijack a van full of equipment. Then, there's a little shootout and a police chase. I think i drove for about 6 second, about 50 meters, and they just give up. I was totally hoping it would be a massive chase for like 30 minutes. It was such a let down.