darniil: Hmm. I'm not sure what you mean by "GoG functionality", then. Can you explain?
I mean the overlay, achievements, chat..
If I use the launch options (in this case --launcher-skip -skipStartScreen) all of this features don't work.
I've attached a screen of the error message. It's in italian so let me translate for you:
HolisticGaming: 1: Load Galaxy
2: Click on "Installed" tab
3: Click on "Cyberpunk 2077"
4: click on sliders at top that offer extra options
5: Click on Manage
6: Click on Configure Installation
7: Click on "Features"
8: Under executables/arguments, look around for "Default Executable" and click on "Duplicate" just under it
9: New executable will populate. Left click on "Arguments" line, so you can type into it
10: Type this EXACTLY without quotes: "--launcher-skip"
11: Click on "Default executable" underneath the second executable that you just modified
12: Click "OK" at the bottom
13: Launch CP2077 to test this, it should work
14: Double check the flow here, and make sure you followed it correctly.
I was sure the launcher wasn't skippable, but apparently it is, thanks to another thread that was posted by another user.
They buried the way to turn it off through way too many steps, but it only takes about 2 minutes when you figure out where everything is.
Hi Holistic, thanks for the reply, but this isn’t a solution for my problem. I’m aware of how to skip the launcher. My issue is that the GOG overlay doesn’t work if I use the launch options