AZaph_gog: This seems to be specific to some configs. My RTX 2070 Super is hitting 80 - 90 % utilization. It's probably not going higher because ray tracing cores are limiting my FPS. CPU is about 30 - 40 % on my 3900X with 12 threads being used, but none at 100 %. I'm getting 45 - 70 FPS with ray tracing on, depending on the area.
I have done some research and it's not that specific it seems. While my friend has 3080 and 9900k it works very well on his rig. Others with the exact same specs are having the exact same problem and that is low GPU utilization. I thought this was AMD related, at least with the CPU but it spread widely. I have seen people reporting that kind of a problem on the 8700k, 9700k, 10700k, 10900k, Ryzen from 3600 to 5950x. It's impossible to tell what exact specs are having this problem. I have personally spent 2 days figuring out what could be wrong but no luck so far. It's up to CDPR to tell us more about it. But I doubt they do even care ATM because consoles are having even bigger problems. That's why my hopes are not that big because IMO they will do whatever they can with consoles and than they will focus on the PC. I truly hope I am wrong but lets wait and see what will they bring to us.
So far this is the biggest disappointment in many years of my gaming. Maybe because I was expecting to much but I had hope with the CDPR and their well known polishing in the gaming industry. It seems those days are gone and money is the king...