Posted December 20, 2020

And even if you don't know a quick google would have told you. I swear people ask the dumbest shit on forums that can be solved in two seconds lol.

Except majority of FPS fans never played any COD. It's not really that popular.

Yep you're new.
CoD 1 was good. Maybe 2. After that it became trash. CoD not popular lol? Are you serious? Every year there is a new piece of CoD trash. It's right up there with Fortshit and OverIt (Overwatch). Blizzard copying what was already done in 1996. Just changed it to cartoony crap.
Besides, if you look at his profile (created in Dec 2020) in tandem with the way he types, it's pretty clear he is indeed "new" as you put it, and ostensibly much younger considering you've played games for 30 years at least, making you at least 30 years old because math XD. No need to berate someone for not knowing something you know, especially at your age; you should really know better old man. ;) I'd be willing to bet I know a hell of a lot that you don't know and, admittedly, visa versa.
So maybe instead of being a pretentious elitist arguing over subjective nonsense, we could address the aforementioned question and keep the forum focused on topic? That would be great thanks in advance for your compliance. =)
Seriously though banter aside what about MY question? lmfao- I feel as though it's a good one, albeit inane since none of the ADS times go over (under? something like that) -.1%.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by Apocentricity