FTSO: We are living in strange days, when that Bethesdian way starts to infect everywhere, if CDPR launches a mod tool, they may even end with no necessity of lauch complete games, just the basic to work and an engine with good visuals, just bring an official workshop with patches and stuff, and ways to buy coins. X)
wayke: Todd Howard revised his stance on Modding games as it does not generate revenue after the fact, That absurd store they added to Fallout 4 anyone using that is a parasite, People forgot what happened with the ValveMod Store issue what a pathetic idea.
He saw the power of haver a cheap workforce to fix his games long ago, it was amazing how Fallout 4 was spitting mods on that store at launch, faster as his spitt bugs.
Then, Skyrim Special Edition, born to shove the same workshop there, with the 64 bits version the only good part. Then, Fallout 76, a total clusterfuck in form of tech, lore, PR, merchandise, but we have the Atom Store. Then, Blades, a shit Elder Scrolls for mobile, the last try on monetize something, now with lootboxes, I mean, chests.
But there is a consumer, the console user, because only insane PC gamers buy on any of this stores, when we have the Nexus.