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ryuken3k: Was there any response from GOG concerning their store curation methodology?
I get the feeling that would probably fall under the NDA.
kbnrylaec: Thank you for the sharing.

Those information do increase my faith in GOG a little bit.
One month after 6 community members came back from GOG HQ.
GOG's improvements I found are:
- NOTIFY ME button on soon to come titles' store pages
- Polish forum

At the same time, there are many things become worse:
- all promo are buggy, no single one is 100% correct (I think they are more buggy than before)
- forum system become worse
- bug-fixing is really slow, or just ignored by GOG staff
- update flag for offline installer is worse than before

We still have no option to set Classic installer by default, while 3rd party scripts have done it long time ago.

One month after 6 community members came back, my faith in GOG decrease a lot.
kbnrylaec: One month after 6 community members came back from GOG HQ.[..]
- all promo are buggy, no single one is 100% correct (I think they are more buggy than before)
- forum system become worse
- bug-fixing is really slow, or just ignored by GOG staff
- update flag for offline installer is worse than before[..]
Mm.. IMO it's the same as before the event, expecially the promos.
Give Gog a bit more time.
A month isn't a very long time, not for a big company.

Things like a default option for classic installers requires additional database fields, and changed to a number of functions. While to it should take no more than a couple of days for the developers to code and test, it has to go through Q/A testing (with all the other planned changes) before release.

This is not like the time it took VALVe 8 months to add 3 lines of code to close a major loophole in SFS.
After finding this thread right about now I'm afraid to check my GOG email adress that I check like maybe once every few months and then usually only the first emails...
Wishbone: Konrad was for some reason holding a black plastic spatula. I asked him about it, and he told me he'd forgotten the sign at the office, so he figured he needed something else to grab my attention, and the first thing he could get his hands on was this cheap plastic spatula that he bought somewhere :-D
Klumpen0815: That is so... gog. xD

Well, well, well, my dear Klumpen0815 – we meet again... eye to eye !

°\(^‿^)/°         <·····   those are NOT eyeballs, NOR anything else BUT hands

+1 to you, my fellow penguin advocate !

That goofiness, strangely, somehow reminded me of something posted on some other thread by someone, somewhere, some time ago : steamcustomers.jpeg (50 KB)

Back to our spatula moment, though, I would have thought GOG's casting choice for that crucial handling role to land upon oh-so-trollishly-zen-like Johny. He sports a warm cup of cocoa * already, so he's got to be a natural with a spatula.

But, but, but... Konrad has such sweet, sweet, sweet little puffy paws – sooo cuuuuute !

Whose fluffy puffy furry paws are that, hmmmmm ? Whooose woolly fluffy fuzzy paws are thaaaaat...
Iiiiit's Konrad's ! Oh yes it is ! Iiiiiiit's yooooooooours !


Aaahh, such a sweetie... Imagine those little nuggets of sweetness bravely holding, or rather courageously brandishing that cheap plastic spatula ! No harm meant, of course – but as GOG's very own tinkering tiger, he cannot simply hold ! He has to BRANDISH !

٩ヽ(ツ)ノ         <·····   digitally enhanced HD reenactment of Konrad holding an Oculus Rift ready black plastic spatula

Yep. All things considered, it had to be him fo'sho.


* that smoking-hot mug just cannot contain coffee – unless that muggy guy is even cooler than he seems...

Johny.: So you now know how I feel. :P

Cold ?
^ What the fuck did I just read?
aquaSolus: *a really big virus in text format*
What in the....what the....what....
Did...did you used to be human at one point in time?

Fairfox, if you're reading this, I'd like to apologize for everything anybody's ever said negatively about your typing. I didn't know monstrosities like this existed.
mechmouse: A month isn't a very long time, not for a big company.
That is true, but

1. what do you (and by you I not only me you mechmouse but everyone in this thread ... maybe even the 6 visitors) think is an appropriate time slot to judge GOG? How long until I/one can say, that the situation is better or worse?
2. do we get more than just some "joke comments" from the blue guys in this thread? Because till now, there is no official answer/plan/what-we-will-try-to-do-better. At least something would be nice. Otherwise one (at least I) could come to the conclusion that this all is just a GOG PR stunt.
Post edited October 28, 2017 by john_hatcher
aquaSolus: *a really big virus in text format*
zeogold: What in the....what the....what....
Did...did you used to be human at one point in time?

Fairfox, if you're reading this, I'd like to apologize for everything anybody's ever said negatively about your typing. I didn't know monstrosities like this existed.

It reminded me of Clint Eastwood's speech at the RNC a few years ago.
Poor aquaSolus, let her\him\it be happy :P
Post edited October 28, 2017 by phaolo
This is interesting , maybe gog should do this as a annual thing , GOGCON ? where the community vists them and they hold some cool events and what not.

Hey @TFISHELL were you invited as well ?

what about barry?
Flying high?

Commenting post #786
Post edited November 01, 2017 by Themken
mechmouse: A month isn't a very long time, not for a big company.
john_hatcher: That is true, but

1. what do you (and by you I not only me you mechmouse but everyone in this thread ... maybe even the 6 visitors) think is an appropriate time slot to judge GOG? How long until I/one can say, that the situation is better or worse?
2. do we get more than just some "joke comments" from the blue guys in this thread? Because till now, there is no official answer/plan/what-we-will-try-to-do-better. At least something would be nice. Otherwise one (at least I) could come to the conclusion that this all is just a GOG PR stunt.
I'm going to wait till the new year before making my judgements.