montcer9012: I see.
I think that console commands will be useful to backup the whole data with one command for those who don't like programs running in the background. Or to take full advantage of the program with just 1 command. Or, just to backup into another storage media once, I don't know.
To be honest, I think your program is pretty cool; it could save me a lot of time hahahaha.
I have some suggestion, like for example, why not to take the language strings for a file, instead of have it hardcode to the source?
Also, why not to update the 7z files and allow to change the compress method? It could save 50% more space with latest version and the proper compression method.
Thanks! I hope it saves you some time. I didn't really design it around big batch backups, since there's a lot of other apps out there that do that already. :)
The language strings actually are separate from the source code, they're just compiled into the executable. Even if I made the resource file external, it's a binary file and you'd still need the source and development tools to do a translation unfortunately. I don't want to ramble on about it, but basically that's how .NET does localization and I didn't want to write my own method of doing it.
I agree with your suggestions about 7z. The next release will have the compression method options and the newest version.