Themken: Free servers? Or 'free' games too? Must be illegal if the latter.
NebuchadnezzarII: Well as always when dealing with game that has been abandoned it's probably illegal. But morally I'd say it's right. But is a debate that's been going around ever since people realised their favourite games were not going to be kept alive by whatever force had deemed the game to die.
As for me I consider all games to be interactive art, not always good art, but art nonetheless. And I don't like it when things are left to wither and die. I don't see games as a fast food market, as a large part of the worlds publishers do.
It's not illegal until EA will start pushing them with lawyers and go to either to court where it is deemed illegal or Revive team takes it down (I don't really know or care how American court works). And as they (EA) haven't done it yet it's probably either OK in their eyes, as I guess its free marketing for newer BF-s. (BF3 still best BF)