tremere110: That's not the case, Twitter mobs only care if you follow their views - everything else be damned. Looks at August Ames - a relatively popular pornstar who refused to have sex with men who shot gay porn. There are less HIV safeguards in the porn industry in regard to gay porn and risk of HIV incidence is higher in men who have gay sex. She was trying to reduce her risk of getting HIV. The Twitter mobs bullied her into suicide. The gay pornstar responsible refuses to back down and the Twitter mobs rallied around him like he's a hero.
RawSteelUT: Wrong on so many counts. I remember the story you're talking about. The woman put out homophobic nonsense based on an incorrect assumption (crossover talent is every bit as tested as straight pornstars) and the gay porn star has NOTHING to apologize for, as he's likely tired of the stereotype of gay/bi men being all disease-ridden. That the lady killed herself is regrettable, and yes, the rage mob ain't shit, but let's not try use this to perpetuate stereotypes.
Not gonna argue the point here since it would derail the thread.
Honestly, though, the problem isn't one person's or another's views, it's the mob meentality that social media generates. As ProJared explained, people do this not to help others, but to virtue signal, to show their friends just how wonderful they are as people. Social media has destroyed civil discourse, and given us nothing in return.
I agree with this. The only reason to post crap like that on Twitter is to form a social lynch mob. Mob justice has always been and will always be a terrible idea. I refuse to use Twitter and social media in general because I think those things subtract from humanity as a whole. Social media just needs to cease to exist.