pavo.gog: I didn't checked how to send private messages, found no way. I'll be online tomorrow (monday) evening, hope you (tttfff) are online too (we're both from germany). I'll be online about 18:00 local time...
moonshineshadow: You can sent a message to someone by selecting "Start conversation" in the the menu that appears when you mousover someones avatar. Also even if it is called chat, it is a private message system, meaning you don't need to be online at the same time. The recipient will see the message you sent when coming online.
Hey moonshineshadow,
thanks for the info, didn't know that chat works like a messager. I sent the code via chat.
I got also Blackguard from winter sale ... same procedure next saturday. That code ist valid until january, so anyone will get at least 24 hours to post a guess.