reative00: Companies like Failbetter almost bankrupted to keep kickstarter promises; much smaller studio with much, much smaller budget. In-Exile got shitton of money on kickstarter, then they took money for another game (and another game). They successfully sold Wasteland 2 and they still failed to keep their kickstarter promises for TToN. All In-Exile is doing is to capitalize nostalgia while doing as little work as possble.
I'm not bitter. I'm just not a fan of companies that want to fuck me in the ass.
tomimt: Are you seriously claiming, that there was "as little work done as possible" for TToN? You don't have to like the game, that's your right, but there was obviously a lot of work done for it. The script alone is massive. And while there were things they didn't deliver on, I do think some of them were better left out from the game, like the stronghold. For such a story driven and linear game, a stronghold would have been fairly bad tack on. At best it would have been a disposable distraction like what ended up happening with Pillars of Eternity that didn't manage to do anything interesting with theirs.
PoE delivered what it promissed; medicore game that was funded because people can't stop living the past and they wanted modern copy of BG; another medicore game that was OKish for it's times.
TToN promised to be spiritual successor of Planescape Torment and delivered nothing of what made original Torment good game; memorable story, companions, dialogues instead of textwalls; the only thing that TToN did better was design; but just because you put lecutte in a chocolate box doesn't make it a chocolate; it helps, however, to sell product.
"As little work as possible" doesn't mean they didn't put any work into it; that would be a crazy claim to make. It means, however, that they're putting just enough work to deliver working product; and that's all. That's the same prinicple as for Ubisoft with their cashcows, with EA.
Agree to disagree. If you like TToN there's nothing that's stopping you. I didn't like the game very much and I liked devs attitude even less.