Posted April 03, 2021
low rated
Shadowstalker16: I echo what paladin181 and Cadaver747 said. You should have gotten one of Finkleroy's friends or a mod to help you contact him and appeal the ban. I'm assuming you have enough sense to not post screencaps of private conversations but I also trust Finkleroy wouldn't ban anyone without cause. Given you know that you couldn't provide proof, why did you start this thread at all?
I don't know who Finkleroy's friends are. It's not the mods job to be a intermediary between me and Finkeroy. Finkerory didn't break any forum rules that I know of. Let's say I am telling you the absolute truth and I could provide proof if I thought that would help anything (screenshots of course) What would you do in my position?
I mean you aren't even given me the presumption of vague unknown guilt until proven innocent, because even proof isn't enough for you apparently. It's just "Finkeroy is good and can do no wrong, so you must be bad" -WOW.