KISSMAD: I'm considering on buying an Early Access Game, I've never purchased that type of game before.
I was wondering what are the pros and cons of buying an Early Access Game?
The pros and cons have already been addressed.
My personal stance on Early Access games
(or "In Dev" titles, as they are called here on GOG) is:
I don't buy them.
And that would also be my advice to everyone else.
You'll never know when or whether at all you'll get your full game.
We have from time to time people here
(who should know better!) complaining about games that they bought as "in Dev" titles, and that somewhen in the development process simply stopped being updated,, essentally, they are now sitting on a
(half done) game, that will
(probably) never come to be as promised.
Why would you want to risk that?
Especially, when you can buy the game after release
(IF it ever gets a "gold" release):
- in a better (
more bug free) state,
- for less money,
- with more content
(bar possible "early bird" boni), and
- after reading reviews that tell you all about the game, that you possibly want to know, BEFORE you invest your money.
Not to mention that, right now, there are so many games around already in a done state...that you'll never run out of games to play.
Just to give you an
(extreme?) example of an "Early Access" game, that I once fell for:
Project Zomboid In dvelopment since
2011 (that's when I "bought myself in") you can see, that one is still "in Dev":