Wow, this is really clever.
If you forget the ":", the output is shambles. I thought it's because the javascript-based interpreter sucks and tried with others but it didn't work... I was just missing a "
:" ... Stupid me.
First, I took the LotR-hint way too simple. Maybe I'm too simple. After effectless code examination and interpretation I just tried to apply the LotR-hint at the beginning ... here -->
I thought the bold text is the hint and tried to use it in one of the interpreters, modified the code with it and also used the pastebin url or "0hKZUzQp" as input ... instead of "coordinates:".
At one point ZFR said, that someone didn't run all the code. I realized that befunge stopped decoding at "@" and thus effectively ignored some of the code. Therefore I tried to get befunge to also decode the part on the bottom right.
I even tried to apply that horrible whitespace because someone linked to the first esoteric challenge and I took it as a hint.
Next time I will not read any hints because my mind seems to be too befuddled to process them properly.
P.S.: Online befunge interpreters are a pain in the neck.