Crewdroog: yeah, from what i understand we can no longer derail (which i am doing... sorry) and no swearing? blarg.
OldFatGuy: No swearing? Where was that rule? I remember reading something about "using the appropriate language" but I thought that meant if you were in the English forums you must use English and if you were in the French forums you must use French.... etc.
TinyE said he was banned for using a swear word.
I can't believe GoG isn't going to do anything about the constant downrepping yet will make a big deal about a few words.
Jeebus. Well, once I'm banned I guess I"m done here. Sometimes swearing is APPROPRIATE. It fits the mood.
i enjoy swearing a lot. it is very frustrating to not just use the words, and doing something like, "F--K" or "*&#$(#*U&$ is just juvenile. You know that i am swearing, and that word is in your head just as if I had typed the friggin' thing out. blarg.
As Lewis Black once said, "And according to the Catholic church, if you thought the word, you said it, a--hole. Even us Jews believe that."
In the same rant, he also said that if you go outside and it's -50F without the proper attire and don't say the word "F---" outloud, YOU have anger issues. :)